The north/really good looking fellas

That is more of a shift than I was expecting though still a long way from numbers for a shared/united Ireland. The decline in unionism is pretty consistent now albeit nationalism is not picking up all the scraps. Some of that is demographics and I think Brexit has exacerbated the decline. If ‘European’ was added to the identity mix above it would be interesting to see how that would score. ‘Irish’ only sounds narrow. Surprised to see Northern Irish is on decline.

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NI will have its own assembly within an Irish federal nation is the long term solution in all cases. They will stay semi autonomous

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Ruairi O Brádaigh proposed a solution like that a long time ago and it seems like a logical compromise alright

It would seem like the obvious solution. I would have no issue with a new fleg either and anthem, even the the current flag caters for green and orange, there’ll be no pleasing some of them! Maybe a little union fleg in the corner like the Aussies! :slight_smile:

That’s the 1920s thinking of “they need a large umbrella” country to be under.

The world has changed.

Do not support Irelands EU membership so?

What are you on about?

A large umbrella to stand under is very much modern it seems

Completely irrelevant and not the point being made. The EU is not a sovereign state.

The “NI has to be a part of a bigger” sovereign stage comes from the era where economies were more self sustaining and less globalised.

NI with access to the European market and with close ties to Britain is an ideal scenario for them and is the template for any “independent” NI. Subsumed into Ireland will negate the benefits.

If you are going to convince the ones who identify as NI to break the Union that is the most likely a scenario.

An independent NI within the EU is a fair enough fudge for the time being

Sure they basically have a dream scenario open to them now in the EU and the UK.

Everyone would be opening their headquarters there. Only the Unionists are so fucking thick


Exactly. It’s the golden ticket.

It’s a great economic arrangement that is available. But the fact that the Unionists are successfully preventing this being exploited is why more up here are considering the benefits of a UI.
Anecdotally I would say the increase in ‘NI’ as a designation is due to an increase in things like mixed marriages and integrated schools. While these people clearly want good economic prospects, they also don’t want to be dictated to by Unionist politicians, nor do they want to be dictated to by Westminster especially with the direction of travel there. A UI, where the 1.9m population would form a sizeable bloc, is seen as a very viable option.
In the most recent elections SF got 29%, the exact same as the % identifying themselves as Irish in the census, and DUP & TUV got 29%, with 32% in the census identifying as British - some of the 12% of UUP voters would make up the shortfall there.


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Catch a grip :joy:

She seems like an outstanding woman. Baptist minister from Beal Feirste.

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Tell us a bit more about her

Baptist minister in favour massively of a 32 county republic. Always promoting it on Twitter as far as I can see. Maybe there’s something more sinister? I’m not sure.

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You wouldn’t log her in the roughish birds thread