The north/really good looking fellas

Pragmatic :crossed_fingers:

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Belfast is booming lads. I’m off up there today.

The young generation are more and more seeing themselves as Northern Irish.

There was a decline in those identifying as Noethern Irish in the most recent census which surprised me. I think the centenary and the way it was marked probably impacted that.

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The biggest difference I see there now is it’s not necessarily a place to escape from for people as soon as they finish college.

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It’s a term that doesn’t even have a clear meaning. To some its a rejection of british and irish identities, to others It’s some sort of declaration of independence, some see it as others see welsh, scottish or english, others just dont know…i wouldn’t pay too much heed to it.

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the census doesnt back that up

The census says otherwise

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Have you checked the census data on that?

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@TheUlteriorMotive needs to come to his census here


There has to be an ulterior motive to his post

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It’s TFK. I’m working from the best kind of data - personal experience and anecdotes.


Herod out of that.

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It still is though- I’ve 3 away
Oz and England

I’ve a grandson and son who both will be gone ASAP after gaining their degrees
One living in Derry atm
And one living in Cork

This country is fucked for our young make no mistake

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you think house prices in Oz are affordable?

do you read the news, do you think life in England is better than here?

McDonalds for breakfast and all the celebrity spots you can handle? Sounds pretty good to me.


“This country is fucked” is up there with Gary Neville’s “This is Manchester United”

The video of the shooting. Is your man tagging him just before it ?

It’s not the video of Belfast shooting. Looks like somewhere in Eastern Europe

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It’s oul’ fuckers like you clogging up the job market - out on the ladder at 6 in the morning raking the last euro out of it……:wink:

The country has been in dire straits since it’s foundation, every generation has faced adversity. The quicker today’s youth realise that everything isn’t handed to you and graft is rewarded then we’re starting to see the light.

We’re practically at full employment, the job market has never been better……