The north/really good looking fellas

My daughters there donkeys - granddaughter to follow when her nursing degree happens

Full employment but young can’t afford housing and never will in this Kip of country we have at present

A very simplistic view. You are blaming people who can’t afford to buy a house or pay the rent?

Of course it’s a simplistic view - people of my generation didn’t have the monies to fritter away on skinny lattes or SkySports and the drive instilled into us was to save to get a house. We did that.
We’ve been down this avenue before, it’s a different culture nowadays. I can’t help if it’s a culture of I’ll spend it while I have it.


People of your generation (I am guessing) partied during the Celtic Tiger, a generation who would have known and grown up with the knowledge of saving / “every penny counts” etc.
I also know people in their 40s who missed out on the Celtic Tiger, are in a position now to look to buy but can’t either because they can’t find a place or it’s impossible almost to get a mortgage.
I don’t think owning a house or apartment should be considered a luxury, but maybe “owning” isn’t the be all and end all…

what are you shiteing about?

I guessed around 05 that the Tiger days were nigh when I spotted a few lads who wouldn’t drive an ass out of a bog motoring around in brand new vans with “Cowpat - building contractor” and “Boxtyeater - bathrooms and tiling experts” and such guff. Stevie Wonder could see that this craic couldn’t last. Cunts scuttering on about pads in Bulgaria - they wouldn’t find Mullingar on a map ffs. We’d be much cuter were the Celtic Tiger ever to return.


For a while alright it seemed like any fella who had ever operated a cement mixer had “gone out on his own now with another lad”.


Taking Monday off, going to a restaurant on a Friday morning at 11 for the breakfast and knocking off at lunchtime.

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“Cleaners” became “Hygene solutions” or “cleaning solutions”. “Solutions” were rolled out on every other van on the roads.
Thick cunts driving around in brand new 4x4s because they were quick at putting blocks on top of each other.


Once you or one of yours didn’t fall for it you’d have to say it was a heady few years. A local publican who’d be known to @farmerinthecity morphed from building rafts of houses in the flood plains of Keshcarrigan to state of the art condos somewhere in the aforementioned Bulgaria.
Rakes of local sub-contractors, healthcare workers, pencil sharpeners and their associates flocked en masse on trips to see their luxury pads rise out of the sand. If memory serves me, it got to the dreaded 13th floor when it was confirmed by the IMF that the economic foundations were less than sound….

But it was great while it lasted…. :pint: :pint: :pint:


We all partied…
I remember being in some Celtic Tiger era houses in Riverbank in Annacotty and some of the workmanship left a lot to be desired. Strained windows, gaps in boarding. Possibly done by apprentices …?
Fuck them up, charge top dollar.


Shur’ you could hide 20 Rothmans in some of the skirting gaps. Shocking…

Twas unrale.

A lot of sense spoken there
Anyone over 60 has seen the country in dire straits time and again
Recession after recession
Ff after FG after ff etc etc
Think most don’t really know true poverty
Then again in my youth only homeless I ever heard of were in London etc
Everyone had a house
No credit union etc
Bank loans way out of most common ppls reach

Modern Ireland is fairly banjaxed

In my youth we were all the same - equally poor

Didn’t expect much and got less

College was for different ppl

Plus side - your neighbours were real
Your mam and dad were real parents

Discipline was upheld

And as a hard chaw I often got a kick up the hole from the law etc
I’d hate to be young in this banana :banana: semi republic
It’s shite for our young - being indoctrinated by ‘influencers’
Losing respect for elders ( including parents)


@glenshane ….Where are Lissen from in your neck of the woods? We had a pile of them down last weekend for U9/11 blitz. Grand young lads and topping mentors with a few tidy youngsters. They won the U-11 afaik.

They’re in the foothills of sleive gallion, i think my last post in the inane scenery thread was from the very same parish. A few houses, one pub, one shop and an ex post office. It also has two names…lissan for the taigs and churchtown for the prods. Lissan village actually contains churchtown. I did untold damage there once. Some big noise county footballer from monaghan gave me a dig. I levelled him- a remarkable feat for a tender youth of a mere etc
The pub is mcgarvey’s btw…as mentioned in a song from the same parish.


Sorry. The pub is mccrorys. Still plenty of mcgarveys though

There was no talking to the unionists. They were warned though.