The north/really good looking fellas

What makes him so?

Get well soon Martin…

A great Irish Republican.

Seems more believable and genuine.

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That seems to be the genuine consensus but why?

Is it the West Belfast accent?

He admitted to being in the IRA in the early 70s…thats the only real difference.

I’d say the fact McGuiness is far more open about his past and IRA Membership actually help his case. I suppose he hasn’t really been subjected to same level of grilling in the Free State that Adams has.

I put it more down to Adams being a great debater. All the spin, effort and media attention that the media have put on Adams and they still haven’t nailed hi,

I know what it’s like to be that good and the envy and bergudgery it brings.

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Martin McGuinness talked the talk and walked the walk.

A legendary Irishman.


Agreed, but had a vicious streak.

Well said, Kev.

Unbelievable stuff from Ian Paisley Jnr. on The View. More like that is needed.


What did he say?

There’s a link to two minutes of it in this tweet.


Holy shit. Never thought I would hear that from a DUP person and a Paisley as well.

Apparently McGuinness used to pray with his aul lad. They formed a very unlikely friendship. People soften with the passing of the light. There was a heave against Paisley senior back in the day and he would have been seen as a relic by the upstarts. McGuinness would have massaged his ego around this time. He also provided a lot of support to Robinson around the time of his maritial difficulties. He could win these hardliners over but not that rotten cunt Foster.

Paisley to his credit was very conciliatory. Almost statesmanlike. He will be seen as a guy to mend bridges now and is probably eyeing up first minister role. Although I’m sure staunch unionists wouldn’t have been too taken in by his kind words to McGuinness. Interestingly our own media and “politicians” spoke of him and gave him back handed compliments like “he did his best” or the arc of his political journey has been remarkable given his past. It was refreshing then to hear Paisley offer such kind words and a statement without any caveats or asterisk accompanying them.

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id say Paisley was sound enough
he was down in Cobh a few years back and apparantly he was great craic

Probably taken aback and impressed by the West Brit outlook of Cork people.


Young paisley’s tribute may have been geared toward internal DUP politics .

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Cobh ain’t Cork, pal.