The north/really good looking fellas

Paisleys are very bitter about how their dad was shoved aside by the Dup

Vincent Browne gave him a fair grilling during the 2011 Presidential Election in fairness in fairness.

Robinson is a poster boy for everything is wrong with NI politics.

Adams is a terrible debater and constantly ruins any chance his has of building a decent reputation by muddying facts, ignoring questions and being a bit of a clown online.

Now that I think about I’ve never seen you and Adams in the same place at the same time…

Why have the staters never nailed despite concerted efforts at doing so?

Slightly shocked by it. Regardless of motives it was statesmanlike in a way you don’t see much of any more.

@Nembo_Kid is a terrible debater and constantly ruins any chance he has of building a decent reputation by muddying facts, ignoring questions and being a bit of a clown online.


You’d nearly forget what a cunt he is listening to it. A strong claim for leader after Arlene gets locked up

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Why has he never sued anyone that made the allegations against him for defamation?

Why would he need to? He can cower them by himself.

Oh you’re the guy who regularly has to switch to irrelevant arguments after I dismantle the nonsense you spout.

Ms Foster really does conjure up images of Icarius sailing too close to the sun. She has totally overplayed her hand. She was on a terrific run – big win for the DUP last May, huge personal vote for herself to copperfasten the Unionist takeover of Fermanagh/South Tyrone and she backed the winning side in the Brexit referendum – but has now thrown it all away with some really ill-judged manoeuvres. There’s a lesson there for President Trump too – don’t rub your vanquished opponents noses in it too much after your hour of victory. Fortunately the humble, unassuming nature of President Trump coupled with his innate decency makes such errors unlikely.

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Clearly he cannot.

He can. Why haven’t they nailed him yet?

Arlene was not from natural DUP gene pool , she and her people were UUP stock . She is of rural Church of Ireland background . The DUP were Wee Free and ordinary Presbyterian mostly . Maybe she tried too hard to impress the more trenchant elements in Loyalism .

The lack of clarity in his answer means that he has been unable to prove himself innocent and also that his legal counsel are not happy that he’d be able to prove himself sufficiently innocent to win a defamation claim.

Gerry is fine - the problem is the establishment here continuously use the troubles to score cheap shots regardless the topic. He is shaky on economics alright but who are you holding him up against here? On many topics during the last election debates he destroyed the others around him but it gets swallowed up with the cheap points scoring the establishment revert to. I do think it’s time Gerry left some one else into the lime light, now is the time to move onto phase two.

If SInn Fein want to move forward they need representatives who are trusted by voters outside of their traditional support base.

Adams is never going to achieve this and, every time that she opens her mouth, McDonald loses ground in this regard. Doherty has his own murky past so it’s difficult to see who can lead them forward in the Republic the way that McGuinness has in the North.

He is still standing, he is still leader, he’s still topping polls, Sinn Fein are still rising. The concerted effort against him aren’t working, he always gets the better of them.

If people want to knock Adams off his perch they better up their game because he’s one of the best.

Doherty has no murky past TBH . SF are morphing in to a soft left , PC , internationalist party . The republicanism is nearly gone . They might do ok in the next NI election due to DUP cuntishess and a bit of sympathy for MMG.