The north/really good looking fellas

Fuckin yank?:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:explains a lot

He is it was v recently anyways by all accounts
On the sick i reckon atm

Yup. Polls and the ballot box.

Actually they did, overwhelmingly. This was at the ballot box and in polls.

Sadly the new generation have been conditioned to think it was acceptable.

Meanwhile the collective nationalist vote has declined by 1% between 1998 to 2022, despite demographics being on their side and Brexit. Incredible really.

As I said, a great W for the Provo scumbags looking for a pension and to feel better about themselves before they finally die, not great for society or a United Ireland.

What a load of wank, as usual.

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Rightly or wrongly I’d say he’ll ship some heavy criticism up there this week.

Even Joe Kernan who’d be alright has been very harsh in his comments on Clarke over the years.

Simple facts. The nationalist vote has barely moved in nearly a quarter of a century. Michelle O’Neill winning out on who gets to call themselves the number 1 in their daycare Parliament because Unionists are infighting is a convenient cover for this.

It’s a complete disaster if you actually care about a UI. If you want their campaign to have moved from being lately condemned to contested it’s a great result.

When you compare it to what the other nationalists parties achieved within a few years of stopping with violence on the national question and breaking with Britain it is even more jarring.

Nationalist doesn’t mean green… How are SDLP faring since 1998 as a matter of interest? Landscapes change all the time… Peace has meant prosperity for many and new identities have been formed. Southern attitudes to the north has helped forge that as much as anything… You also have many unionists moving to Alliance etc… Is that SF’s fault too? It’s far more complex than your two bob explanation. Young people, just like here, are breaking with the old.

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As mentioned, the SDLP have been supplanted by SF. They once got 22% of the vote, now it’s 9%. SF took that. The Nationalist vote itself has declined despite everything being in their favour.

Sadly the more SF advance the harder it will be for a UI. People who think SF moving from 1 in 10 not thinking they scumbags to 3 in 10 is advancing a UI are utter simpletons. Whilst SF “advance”, the concept of a UI becomes wedded to them and puts off the middle ground. The polls, elections and census results are clear on this.

Again, at least a few Provos got a pension. They’ve set back a UI.

Unionist vote has also declined…


How much of that shift in attitude is due to the full truth coming out since 1998 on things like Bloody Sunday and Ballymurphy, as well as high profile documentaries exposing the truth about Loughinisland and the Miami Showband? I’d say it’s made a very sizeable difference, many would have suspected or known things to a certain degree in 1998 but not the full extent of what was going on.

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British state terrorism didn’t happen. What transpired in the north was all the IRA. Despite the fact the IRA was two men and a dog in around 1967/68 .And despite the loyalist mobs and B specials had free reign burning out and beating Catholics for decades. And despite the Tan army butchering innocents in Derry, Belfast and every where else. Despite gerrymandering. Despite internment and torture. Despite loyalist murder squads… It was all an IRA campaign.


@Tim_Riggins holding his nose at the thought of northern nationalists. That’s alright, you’re part of a bigoted sectarian past that we’re gradually seeing the back of.

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The disdain for northern nationalists from free state lackeys is sickening but nothing new.

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1 in 3 of their second preferances go to nationalist parties. Let’s not pretend they are gunning for a UI.

None. It is because there has been a quarter of a century of people who lived through it dying and replaced with a generation conditioned on Simpson Memes and Gerry Adams memes.

For all of the “you don’t respect Northern nationists” stuff, I find it funny that people dismiss the idea that Nationalists and Catholics of the day were ignorant of the truth. Yes of course they needed an Inquiry to tell them that Bloody Sunday was appalling. Honestly. :rofl:

1 in 3 north and south either vote or will vote for those murdering scumbags.

As usual, SF fluffers try to monopolise the concept of Nationalism and a UI.

Well done lads, you’ve increased your share of the vote and get to wave the tricolour at count centres. Still failing to advance a UI in any meaningful sense.

A United Ireland will be brought about through democracy. That’s all the advancement we ask for.

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What do you think the birth and death rates have been up here over the past 25 years that you believe it explains the figures changing from 70% opposing to 68% justifying? Are you under the impression that life expectancy in the north is 50?
You have an awful ignorance of things if you think all decent people knew the full details of state collusion during the troubles - to get the truth out is why so many families have spent a lifetime trying to get inquiries into the deaths of their loved ones.

Tim Riggins is the forums own Enoch Burke.