The north/really good looking fellas

Charlie Flanagan amongst others refuses to believe there was state collusion between the mainland and loyalist terror groups. Our own state white washed the deaths of 33 of its citizens and even harassed the victims families for asking questions. Patrick O Donovan even went as far to say the Ira were responsible for Dublin/Monaghan.

It’s in the same league as Michelle O Neill tbh


Patrick O’Donovan is an absolute arsehole


You shout ignorance when you do the usual Shinner thing of listing numerous atrocities.

Are you really claiming that Catholics didn’t know they were oppressed and Bloody Sunday was bad? You’re either a serious dullard gobbling up propaganda or wilfully repeating it here.

In terms of demographics, yes 25 years is more than enough given overall birth rate acceleration and deaths.

I’m gonna go with the lived experience rather than a bunch of kids getting conditioned to Shinner bantz via TikTok.

And that is going very badly.

Well worth giving those scumbags a pension for it too.

Dublin/Monaghan, Miami Showbands blah blah blah.

It’s all about “moving on”, except when it’s making a point to attack the Brits or Irish government.

All of this is entirely irrelevant to a UI. The figures are bearing out what a disaster SF have been for a UI.

Compare and contrast to the parties here and what they managed to achieve in a few years after giving up violence.

What are you on about ffs?

What are you raising Charlie Flanagan about ffs? He’s shitting on like Northern Catholics weren’t aware they were repressed and needed an Inquiry into Bloody Sunday to realise how terrible it was an how much they needed the IRA.

It’s a pretty simple explanation about why opinion has shifted and it is nothing to do with Charlie Flanagan. SF were the “winner” following 1998 in their own community. SF deftly managed the charade with the DUP of shouting at one another and then carving up the spoils, with each side taking their prize back to their own communities. This has given SF a pitch to play on where they have used every opportunity to put their campaign alongside the WoI.

This has been very successful amongst the younger generation of Nationalists in the North and to a degree down South. It’s a complete disaster for a UI, but how and ever.

Thats fine tim. You’re entitled to call sinn fein and the ira whatever you want. Terrible things were done, as sinn fein themselves have repeatedly acknowledged. But when you focus all your ire, outrage and faux moral indignation on one side then you’re just another hypocritical kowtowing bigot who condones the behaviour of the loyalist/unionist/ruc/army/government actors. What else but bigotry motivates you exactly?

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But who gives a shit about the DUP and TUV in the context of a UI? It’s an open goal to go against them, not engage in headcount politics that SF gleefully have done so for 25 years. A few quid for Fhéile here, some for Marching season there. Let’s us have our pitch battles on flegs and the language every few years to remind our audience of how much we have their back. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Again, there’s no reason why SF needed to exist post 1998. They have achieved absolutely nothing since then except make their conflict more acceptable amongst their tribe.

I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, or why you’re so bitter. Northern nationalists are proud, confident, progressive and relaxed. You’re falling over yourself to define us a few drunks at a wolftones concert. Whatever, knock yourself out, it’ll make no difference to me.


I’m happy to list many IRA atrocities too but iv no idea what relevance that has as to why attitudes have changed over the past 25 years.
And nobody is suggesting Catholics didn’t know they were oppressed or that ‘Bloody Sunday was bad’, but neither did many people fully appreciate the extent to which murders within their community were facilitated and aided by the state. I’m sure 30 years ago you were adamant that all those killed in Derry were innocent and the nail bombs had been planted on them🙄
Findings of inquiries and the documentaries mentioned have played a major role in changing attitudes up here, not just among catholics but many protestants also. Whether it was through ignorance, a way of coping, or denying it to try ensure their own kids wouldn’t believe there was no alternative to the IRA, many people refused to believe that the rumours of collusion and cover-up were all true. The truth being revealed has led to many things being reevaluated. I’m not sure why pointing this out upsets you so much?


You say nobody but you’re the dullard who claimed that modern day Catholics are more aware of British atrocities than those who lived it.

Like ffs.

What percentage of modern day Catholics of voting age were alive during the troubles would you say?

Not such a stretch- sure plenty of middle of the road southerners still turn a blind eye


I don’t know why you find this so hard to understand, the whole purpose of inquiries is to reveal the truth. Steven Travers was at the Showband Massacre, do you think he knows more about the incident and the level of collusion after the inquiry than he did the night of the attack?
There is a widow from a local town here currently going through court suing the PSNI for the murder of her husband 50 years ago, the whole purpose of her case is to try and find out the truth of what happened. Maybe you could save her the hassle and tell her everything, you seem to know all the secrets?


I dont follow politics but wondering is there the same type of controversy with political parties that would have been linked with ETA.

Batasuna I think they’re called. Only get votes in Basque Country afaik.

I am assuming that is where they are only based.
