The north/really good looking fellas

It’s going on about 10 years I think.

The Irish school history course has had Northern Ireland on it for decades, I’m pointing out a simple fact.

If we want to cross into general media, here is an entire library from RTÉ on the Civil Rights movement in 1968-1969.

This gives you an entire historical record of how the Irish public were informed at the time. Full news reports detailing gerrymandering, student protests et cetera.

The truth of the matter is that the Irish public were well informed of what was happening. They like the majority of Northern Nationalists followed the John Hume approach to it.

I think the word “revisionism” is the correct word to apply here to the likes of Halfpipe and yourself.

Would you stop talking shite… He’s on about the severity with which the British state was directly involved in cold blooded murder. The state that was supposedly upholding law and order… The kind of stuff you love to turn a blind eye to because you know that the IRA and everything that followed wouldn’t have happened without British state violence … It’s something your lot have been doing for generations now; Speaking down to northern nationalists while speaking up to unionists.


Was it only Protestants died in Enniskillen?

And so what…? Come down to their level?

Not he’s not, he literally said;

He either was pig ignorant of the world around him or is lying.

What difference would it make whether they were Protestant, Catholic or Muslim?

Taoiseachs have been attending this sporadically for years. I think the man who met the man with 2 (two) pints was the 1st to attend officially. :earth_americas:

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“Meh” when the facts are brought in.

30 years to admit to this- I wonder how many lads would say they reconsidered how they viewed the conflict in light of the Provos admitting to the likes of this? After all apparently they needed an Inquiry to tell them that Bloody Sunday was wrong.

Seriously you are a bigoted, one eyed, butchers apron apologist, trump apologist oddball. I can’t be bothered arguing with someone from some sink estate in Belfast who’s main occupation other than posting here is setting pallets on fire. You are actually googling away furiously trying to say what I knew or didn’t know aged 16. You’ve already shown your profound ignorance of the education system in the Republic. I shouldn’t be surprised. You’re just a profoundly ignorant human being. You can scavenge the recesses of the internet all you like.

Putting the word bigoted in there again like @Halfpipe before, seems to be a big of a reflex for a few of you.

I simply called out your bullshit, because that’s what it is. You Ahave no response so are looking for a few handy likes now with “bigot”, “ignorance” etc, yawn.

Calm down and stop bashing your bowler hat off the keyboard.

No bowler hats this close to Remembrance Sunday.

Two could play that game Timmy… If they were bothered.

Oh those cheeky Gen Zers with their Ra bantz.

According to @Halfpipe, this is a person who is just more educated on what the Provos were about than her ancestors. Those calling it out are the bigots.

She’s a stupid wee cunt who needs a good kick in the box.

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who the fuck is that blondie gimp

She’s just a symptom of normalisation by trivialisation that has been going on for 25 years.

“blondie” gimp