The north/really good looking fellas

The top line is addressing poverty, actually putting more money into families, purses, wallets, and money boxes.
Only true words she spoke
Rest pure conjecture
Yes loyalist paramilitaries do engage young scrotes to sell their drugs
Whole world and his mammy know this

From what I know personally or at least knew personally
Doesent happen in republican areas



Again, are you suggesting Catholics of the day did not realise they were oppressed?

What’s gas about you bringing this shite up is that when the shoe is on the other foot and PIRA atrocious are brought up, “people don’t care and have moved on”. Yet now they’re highly educated on the topic (those silly Catholics of the day just didn’t understand what the PIRA were lobbing bombs through the windows of pubs for).

Gas, but there enough useful idiots like you spreading this message about.

Magic beans wow - I’ll pass that advice onto FF/FG ref the children’s hospital
HSE reform
Our young leaving the country in droves
Yep magic beans may help

I’d say a very poor level of comprehension must be the root of your woefully bad understanding of all matters relating to the north. Nobody has suggested Catholics of the day did not know they were oppressed, but they were not aware of the scale of collusion and how active the state was in murders committed. This realisation, revealed by numerous inquiries and high profile documentaries, has had a major impact on the views of many regarding the IRA and whether there was an alternative.

People have moved on. Despite all these revelations, the PSNI are now widely supported across the community. Only absolute bigots and idiots refuse to engage with the PSNI due to what happened 25 years ago, they are the other side of the coin to idiots and bigots like yourself who endlessly go on about SFIRA. It’s many a weekend I would have a few drinks with ex-RUC men, presumably you believe all these lads would be fully aware of, and were probably involved in, collusion during the troubles if it was so widely known by the Catholic community? You may feel I should be berating these men every time I see them for atrocities committed, but its best for everyone to move on while also allowing victims and their families to get the truth on past events on all sides.
There was a story here last week of an Orangeman going to gaelic football games to support Kilcoo, that is the modern north I recognise. It’s now perfectly possible to go through the day up here without having to engage with bigots like yourself.


One of the best posts ever put down on this place

PSNI are NOT repeat not accepted in any nationalist est in Derry city or county
Get your facts right
You may want to believe that they are but believe me 100 pc they are not

Have you proof of this?

One of the rare times you see someone comprehensively winning an argument on tfk.

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Funny Face Lol GIF

Great post. A knockout punch delivered to a bigot.


And yet if I mentioned to you;

  • the Boston tapes which revealed the full horror of the Disappeared and the IRA campaign
  • Gerry Adams protecting his brother and having him out campaign for SF
  • the sexual abuse


You wouldn’t say that Northern nationalists were simply more informed on those matters now, as you do with the other atrocious you mentioned, would you? Because people will have “moved on”.

Apparently people are more clued in and informed on the matters you prefer to raise than the various other IRA atrocities.

The simple truth is SF were the “winners”. That has given them a playing pitch to recondition the conflict in the eyes of the base they’re selling to, this happens post “war”.

Once again, people have moved on within the terms you want them to.

They are now vastly more informed about Bloody Sunday, but don’t care about IRA atrocities.

You are making my point for me, very neatly.

Downplay the actions of the PIRA on the one hand, point to the specifics of the “Brits”. The icing on the cake is the Joe Brolly take off on what an advanced society NI is now and how you are pals with X and Y as if to make yourself morally superior.

The PIRA were still killing and covering up well after the GFA. A collection of thugs and scumbags, and those who choose to be friends or vote for them letting themselves down very badly.

Another classic of the Joe Brolly genre.

We can discuss what NI is like and I’d have my views on that, but that’s not the point I was making.

The point is that the cause of a UI has not advanced in 25 years at the ballot box.

I see Barbara J Pym has found a home at the Newsletter.

That’s surely a comedy sketch

I’m.not sure I could be accused of being a modern day Catholic, but I was reared in a Catholic family in Galway, and would put myself firmly in this group. I had no idea until relatively recently of the scale and depth of the collusion between the loyalist paramilitaries and the arms of the British state. Nor were we taught anything of the apartheid system which operated in the north until quite recently.


The Irish public had no idea

If you did your leaving cert in the 1990s- you’re talking shit as well.


  1. If you knew what you were talking about (which you don’t probably being a paid up member of a lodge) you’d know that history wasn’t mandatory at leaving cert level.
  2. You are now an expert in what I learned at school
    Point 2 is yet more rim tiggification. Expressing as fact something you have absolutely no idea about. Literally none.

I see Mick Martin rocked up at the Enniskillen memorial yesterday… Is that the first time the T has rocked up to this? Is there a need ? Did any of the Unionist heads of state rock up the Dublin/Monaghan memorials? I’m all for extending hands but FFG and official Ireland have this weird fascination of placating Unionism yet shunting their own.

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Maybe they are playing the long game… but yeah, I don’t recall unionist politicians attending any memorials down south.