The north/really good looking fellas

I didn’t realise Waterford Crystal did an RUC line.

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Taig turns up with a bottle and two glasses - what do you think they’re going to do.


An opinion I’d always have the greatest respect for. However I took the glass in the good humour it was intended, and being a generation younger I appreciate that would have been far easier for me to do than others.
18 months ago I sat at a kitchen table with a young fella who was petrified as he was about to start a University course in Derry and was terrified of the city as he was from a firmly Unionist background. I met him yesterday and he told me that he is loving life over there and has a girlfriend from Magherafelt called Caoimhe. Just as with the drinking company I shared yesterday, I’d feel sorry for people like that instead of being bitter towards them - it is ignorance rather than hatred in many cases.


You’re a good man

What’s up with you now, ghoul??

You gom

I had several good nights out in Magharafelt after being at Rainey Old Boys a club where we got a great welcome. Not always guaranteed.

It’s part and parcel of his schtick.

Great post. :clap::clap::clap:

Quite amazing really. And for all the luck in getting demographics moving their way quicker than envisaged, a United Ireland is more further away than ever.

Dublin should ask for reparations

A Catholic majority isn’t required.

Just enough Catholics + anti Unionists.

As religion continues to become less significant, and the number of politically apathetic people increases, people are more likely to vote pragmatically. SF copped on to this around ten years ago, the DUP are still living in Neanderthal times and are losing thr young votes.

All it will take is increases for the SDLP, Alliance, or a new entity to mop up non religious pragmatic votes and a vote for a United Ireland to allow them rejoin the EU will be within hitting distance.

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Wouldn’t piss in it

Nationalist vote hasn’t moved in 25 years.

Those identifying in the Census as Irish has moved marginally outside of the demo shift, Northern Irish well up.

Polls show the Census figures are reflected in those wanting a UI- those new found “NI” types don’t want a UI.

It isn’t happening despite favourable demographics but nobody is asking why. SF have copped onto nothing, they play the other cast member of the sectarian politics show there.

How’s the Unionist vote looking?

It’s shifted to Alliance, who aren’t going for a UI. This reflects the Census and Polls.

The NI Protocol is going to further embed partition as NI is quickly becoming a special economic zone that will prosper with its unique position.

I’d give SF some credit for that in that this supposedly goes counter to their aims, but we all know that really they enjoy the sectarian carve up and jobs for one another administering British Rule in Ireland.

That’s not true. Those identifying as Northern Irish went down in the last census.

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So Unionist vote is down.

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The Union is fucked mate

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Being honest, thats all very 20th century… Whichever solution is better for the climate is the one we should all support.