The north/really good looking fellas

I suspect whatever is in the UK will be back in the single market within a decade.

agreed, the cash for ash scandal suggests that the union isnt great for the climate & of course the Greens want a united Ireland

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They have in relation to social issues.

You’re also failing to recognise that all parties bar the DUP voted to remain. If it gets to the point where there’s an United Ireland vote with only two options then it appears most would prefer to be in the EU. You’d imagine this would be increase with a similar Leave referendum in Scotland.

One way of avoiding this would be to allow an option for an independent state. However I doubt that would get majority support or anything close to it.

Incorrect. The numbers that dropped as “British” went up as nearly as much for “Northern Irish”, not “solely” but for mix of demos.

Irish up on demographics but trailing badly what the demographics should have given it. Ie continued leakage of those who should be in the market for a UI.

Nobody wants to discuss properly how a UI is miles away and the failure of SF for 25 years. They’ll just talk about Castle Catholics to make themselves feel better.

As it appeals down south.

They’re after 1 in 3 votes down south and a coalition Government so they can continue to justify their campaign. That will give them some solace before the rest of them pop their clogs.

Look at the votes up north where it counts. All they’ve achieved in 25 years is to take votes away from the SDLP.

It is exactly as ROB said would happen. You get comfortable within institutions and the rewards they offer.

they copped on regarding social issues?

Sinn Féin accused of speaking ‘out of both sides of their mouth’ on abortion – The Irish Times

McDonald says Sinn Féin abstained in abortion bill vote because it was a DUP ‘stunt’ (

Where exactly does Sinn Féin stand on climate change? – The Irish Times

Elaine Loughlin: Sinn Féin is all about change — except when it comes to climate (


21% identified as Northern Irish only in 2011 compared with 19.78% in 2021.

“NI only”

The number of identify as NI is well up. Those who were British only have moved to NI and British.

Tim is uneasily adamant that a UI is further away than ever

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Yup, sadly for those who want a UI, the recent figures have been terrible.

Who here in the republic would vote for a UI? It’s a basket case up there.

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How is it good for the climate/environment?

How do you know?


Of course I would.

A united green (cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) Ireland. It would be beautiful.


Irish + (Irish & Northern Irish) was up 4.5%. There was growth in those identifying as Irish only also.

British + (British & Northern Irish) was down 6.1%.

I was expecting a swing to those identifying as Northern Irish but it did not materialise.

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Not sure where your numbers are from but they are not correct. The number identifying as British and NI is up by 40k in absolute terms and 2% overall.

The issue with this is that the Tories would clearly love to be shot of the North and Labour have shown no love for holding onto it either.

If push comes to shove and a vote is allowed it could quickly turn into the DUP vs every other party in Ireland and the UK. If the pro United Ireland side find any way to make it acceptable for apathetic Unionist voters to vote yes then all bets are off.

Plus the hard core Unionists are a dying breed.

They haven’t wanted NI for decades. Howard Wilson would have given it up in the 70s. It’s irrelevant.

Polls show about 1 in 3 support a UI. That dovetails with the Irish only in the Census being the same figure.

It just isn’t happening and people are making “suppose x happens” points rather than dealing with reality and asking why the numbers are so poor despite demographics being so favourable.