The north/really good looking fellas

Apparently a Det-Inspector training a football team shot in front of his son

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What’s the word on the street?

This a hoax? According to the 10pm news 3 of the men remain in custody

There were plenty saying it was to do with drugs gangs the night it happened, would fit in with the loyalist crowd

What does their religion got to do with it? :person_shrugging:

A shared love for the profits of drug dealing could be the thing that unites finally Irish Republicanism and British Loyalism.

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More the fact that it was assumed and reported that dissident republicans were more than likely responsible.

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Wasn’t there a P O Neill type statement though?

I agree with you on that, shouldn’t have happened

RTE/FFG wanted it to be dissident Republicans so they could attack SF.They couldn’t wait for the RUC to investigate.


T O’Neill

It would seem to me this remains a fairly safe assumption. It doesn’t mean there may not have also been some element of Loyalist involvement.

Ah now sid. That’s a bit of a stretch…gwan and thrash out this theory for a bit…?

You’re the expert in doing your own research, so go off and do some.

I dont see how i can research a figment of your imagination?

It was known from the start