The north/really good looking fellas

We truly are in the golden age of the charlatan.

On any subject, any subject at all now, there’s a loudmouth simpleton and/or uber-cunt who has inserted themselves into things through nothing other than the shameless confidence and arrogance of their loud, know nothing voice, who hogs all the attention and actually gets their way in terms of framing how the media covers stories, and influences policy, and changes history,

In the pre-INTERNET age it was mostly just Alan Hunter from the one man “Irish Football Supporters Association”.

I suppose there was Hitler as well, to be fair.

To use one of Bryson’s words, the centre for the union is a cabal of cunts

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I’m the CEO and policy director of the Centre For The Union of Porridge and Strawberry Jam but you don’t hear me moaning when I don’t get on Talkback.

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Is the “Centre for the Union” another of these fronts for Loyalist paramilitaries that receives UK government funding?

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And damn right too.
Porridge with jam is an abomination. Dried fruit and honey is the answer.

Surprised we haven’t had any more theories here today about the shooting of the PSNI guy in Omagh.

He has to get up on the blue wheelie bin for that crowd

He’s getting some lashing on social media today is poor auld Jamie.

Tossy must have been on some good drugs when he was home.

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Where did that come from? The bould John Declan is gone off the loose end

Poor Naomi

She built that up nicely in fairness. It’s as bad as the time she told someone they weren’t fit to tie her shoelaces…twas the cruelest tap-in ever

If Republicans/Nationalists didn’t reply to Jamie Bryson’s tweets, would he get any traction? You’d rarely see some Loyalist from Newtonards tweting in response nodding in agreement with him

Never , only his other accounts .

That’s how the game works. Worldwide. You say obviously stupid or hateful shit and get a reaction, and then claim you’re being bullied.

98% of Twitter is right wing demagogues and bots shouting stupid, hateful, lying shit, like Ollie Murphy shooting the lights out, and the spectrum of earnest centre right to non-Russiabot left trying to close them down like Peadar Andrews.

The other 2% is the Russiabot left cheering on the far right and shitting on the likes of George Monbiot.

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