The north/really good looking fellas

I’ll give u one personal example.

I used work up to 5 nights a week on the doors in Derry, clubs and pubs.

During a bloody Sunday commemoration back a long time now,
I was doing security during the March for IRSP leadership from Belfast,
Word was Provos or others unknown might attack them, didn’t anyway.

Obviously I was spotted
Jobs there n then evaporated.
Glad to be out of everything for years,
Shoes on tbe other foot now in nationalst areas,
Ageing Provos gone.
Some from Derry got houses n jobs across the border.
2 are SF councillors ATM in Donegal

Terry Crossan is one.
Did 16 year’s, worked with me on the doors,
Moved from working class Derry to middle,
Became" manager" of Peadar O’Donnell’s in Waterloo st

House bought etc for him across always.


I know that was a loaded question but I replied in honesty,

Oh another thing I never took the soup

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On that picture ( joe o Connor,old comrade)

He was killed by Provos in Belfast.
Man in charge was Adams nephew
Who it turns out was a crown forces agent

Openly known in Belfast republican circles and in official documents as “Agent Christine”

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“Our revenge will be the laughter of our guests as they finish their fry up.”


Those are interesting posts, Corkie.

For all that we have opinions down here, in reality we haven’t a clue about what it was/is like.


Sadly the only people who actually understand Northern Republicans are Unionists and vice versa. No one in Dublin or London really gives a shit

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Neither did I Elvis, even though I was a republican (provisional SF)going up there,
From a republican family etc
In reality I had a romantic pure notion ideals

Far far far from the real thing

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U got it J
Bar traditional republican ppl contemporaries

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Does anybody other than Shinnerbots reply to Jamie Bryson tweets?

Great photos here

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Did the senior IRA lads clean up financially ?

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That’s the way you build a profile and ££££$$$$€€€€€ in politics or media these days. Annoy people through being a transparently bad faith actor saying hateful things. Get your opponents to reply. A symbiotic relationship.

Any wonder the INTERNET is fucking societies and people’s brains lube free.

Most yes

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It’s life
And like the civil war afterwards
Yes men looked after

Seems a bit simplistic

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I love the nonchalant pose, a real man of the people.

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