The north/really good looking fellas

Fucking hell, is Brendan Hughes still alive?

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He was the best

Drink and isolation got him
And apathy ref GFA

The fucking apostrophe! Stupid cunts.

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In other news, I just got banned off the rangers forum after weeks of diligent undercover embedding. I feel like a young Brendan Behan.


What did you do to upset the poor craytures?

I eased myself in nicely, but began pointing out that AP hadn’t spent 50 million on a team, that Beale isn’t the Messiah, that the referee actually favoured them on Saturday, that Celtic had more possession, corners and shots on goal, but was finally banned for saying that they were considering themselves some kind of European superpower solely off the back of financial fraud. They mustn’t have liked that. I even said “we”, but they still didn’t like it. Of course spewing vile slurs against Ireland, the Catholic church, AP, just about every Celtic player, and smearing the club as a “paedophile home” is perfectly acceptable over there. There were one or two reasonable posters, but in general they are thick and hateful in equal measure.


Did u bring the suitcase?

Most people in Ireland with the knowledge to do so complain bitterly about what Ireland is, and was.

The Catholic Church effectively ran this country for 60 years and held it in the dark ages for most of that time.

Celtic did harbour paedophiles and the club’s response to this coming to light was pretty shameful.

That shit in Derry yesterday was like extremely bad performance art. It was Derry’s version of that Newcastle fan punching a horse.

Fuck them
If they weren’t there consistently harrying young bucks they wouldn’t get half the bother.
Fact of life leading up to each and every Easter march
They consistently come out with utter shite ie:
Intelligence suggests a probable dissident attack,
Peelers being drawn into a trap etc etc
Illegal gathering blah blah blah!

Nationalist youths,many only children don’t know nor will they ever know a normal police force

Kids react to bullying
RUC/ PSNI are cunts towards young men from the Creggan etc etc

They’ll always get the reaction they crave - kids throwing stuff at them

Are you defending yesterdays actions?

Correct me if I’m wrong but that is not normal carryon every Easter in recent years?

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Did you compile screenshots?

All this shit is social media fomented. These young lads don’t know real oppression from outside. It’s cosplaying. There are no Bombay Streets now. The real oppressors come from within – the thugs who these young lads are trying to emulate and join, the same people who murdered Lyra McKee. Or in some cases gobshites of parents who don’t give a fuck about their children. Same in Dublin. It isn’t the Gardai or the state oppressing the lads joyriding and crashing into Garda cars in Cherry Orchard, it’s drugs gangs and the glamourised culture of rejection of education and rejection of an honest way of life. Fake working class culture, aping the worst excesses of elite, aristocratic leeching.

All these Twitter accounts like that DubsLife shite have given a reason for young lads to be yobs. It gets them on the the telly, or today’s version of the telly, the INTERNET. It gets them notoriety.


That’s a fucking disgrace.


Youre surprised that a group who dont recognise the GFA and advocate violence picked a suspected man slaughterer to lay a wreath?

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That fcuker should be nowhere near anything but mountjoy.

They haven’t seemed to mind sitting on their arses in Newtownards whilst Loyalists are strolling around the place with ballys on

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