The north/really good looking fellas

Not true.

go on…

Nope. You’re confusing popularity and popularity among his own following.

You’re also confusing ‘got the better of him’ with had been lucky that, as of yet, nothing has been proved or disproved.

@ChocolateMice is at least smart enough to realise that it’s time for a change at the top if SF want to improve their position.

Some report out today about abuse in children’s homes oop north.

Why has his party exponentially grown since entering constitutional politics against the backdrop of concerted and relentless media campaigns against him?

You seem to be allergic to facts.

Call me old fashioned but I believe that the party has grown in every election since 2002 (I think) because they started from such a low position.

The point that, you made yourself, was that McGuinness was most accepted than Adams. I merely pointed out the reason as I see it and you continue to argue against this.

Why do you ask questions that you do not want the answer to?

So his popularity has risen exponentially in the face of a concerted and relentless campaign against him by outlets of the mainstream media?

I would imagine if, as you claim without providing any hard evidence to back it up, that his ‘rising popularity’ is due to that fact that he has been head of an anti-establishment party during a time of economic unrest and a drop in popularity of the traditional partys of government.

By the way, the only figure that can be pointed to any concrete evidence of his popularity of the results in a General Election. His first share of preference votes fell by about 6% between 2011 and 2016.

Anti establishment.

The rise of SF has continued unabated with Adams at the helm and with a relentless and orchestrated campaign against him by the media. You seemed to be saying different.

Pretty sure SF successfully ran a second candidate in the constituency in 2016 as opposed to Adams being the sole SF candidate in 2011.

And tell us what did the 1st % vote of SF rise by between 2011 and 2016 in his constituency?

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I’ll give you that, I looked simply at his first preference share of votes. My mistake.

No I was saying that he is not seen in the same light as McGuinness as he comes across as untrustworthy and cannot show that he’s moved on from the past in the same manner.

That’s a backtrack.

It’s an admission that I was incorrect with regard to the overall share of the first preference votes in Louth in 2016 in the General Election.

Unfortunately, by the rules of the internet, once you admit to being wrong on any point then your position is completely untenable. What’s worse is you apologised which shows you as not only being wrong, but also spineless.


I want to see a a copy of these rules or else I expect an apology from you :sunglasses:


I know but what I was thinking here was…ahhhh I get you now.

You’re back tracking on the internet. Fucksake