The north/really good looking fellas

I will happily oblige:

  • The GFA had flaws. Nobody got exactly what they wanted. Everybody liked parts of it
  • He was close to giving up in 1997 when his son was born and no progress was made.
  • 61 children were born in the north on that same day. He stayed and gave it one last try
  • The GFA has not cured all ills. Many problems remain but that is the case in every society
  • 3,500 people died during the troubles before the GFA. A tiny number since. It has improved things vastly
  • History will be kind to people of Ireland and their leaders.
  • Peace has been an inspiration for other societies
  • He namechecked a number of excellent political leaders
  • He also namechecked John Bruton
  • He has leukaemia and cannot function properly

A fine speech. Somebody who did a lot more for Ireland than the vast majority.


A thinly veiled dig at @Fran there.

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I won’t forget it


It’s away from bullets the man lead them. Shame on you.
A truly great man, said red meat, particularly beef was actually good for you. Now so……

You’re worse again with that pun (I hope,)

I’ll guess Larry Goodman :wink:

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A tour de France


BD :clap::clap:


She’s like the one out of the Exorcist.

You should see the state of the guys on the panel.


She was a whirlwind and needed badly at the time.


Buckley the cunt the champion of the WASPs

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She fairly sewed it into them in that interview


She was v close to my ex in Derry right from the start

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“I forgot how the ruling classes rule…they’re geniuses”.
She was some operator


I missed that bit, will have to watch it back

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There’s one gem after the other

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That Roger Evans is a fucking simpering, glib, smug cunt. Managed to lose a shit tonne of handy elections too*. Even seemingly safe conservative areas decided he was a cunt.

I googled him.

She fairly turned the tables on them there. Even the seating arrangements were set up in an attempt to intimidate her.


O’Neill recognising that it is the middle ground that is in play, and that while everyone moves forward at their own pace those who refuse to move at all will be left behind.