The north/really good looking fellas

Charles has a serious horn for her


I’d say it’ll be three hours plus of solid tedium. You have to respect her sacrifice


Devlin was/is a seriously impressive orator. The way she spits out the words when she’s cross! (which was a lot of the time)


I’d say he is very disappointed his young fella went off with the Yank instead of the Tyrone woman, at least Michelle shows up to the coronation.


No fear whoever wrote that could put their name to it?

Belfast Admin :rollseyes:

I’d say it was written by either B. O’Neill or one of his brothers C., D., E., G., T., V. or Z.

Z. is a fanatical Irish-American.

They went downhill since Jimmy Brown was murdered

Different folks
Different strokes
Good friend runs IRSP office in Belfast
( Ex prisoner- solicitor now, mostly prisoners rights etc)

Opened the Newry office a while back, decent Armagh man originally.

My point is there’s still decent ppl there,
Not all and certainly not in every area

The broad republican family at the core is decent,

Example in Derry I’ve 2 mate’s that we go way back, both ex prisoners,
One was shot in an ambush, nearly died,
Other guy from Corks Northside,did his time for the Provos, Reals,and Now stuck with them cunts Saoradh.

For the life of me I don’t know why they’re tangled up with that mob.

2 decent blokes well respected in republican circles in Derry city.
It takes all kinds I suppose.
But Saoradh in Cork and Derry are hated,have no respect from any side

It’s a statement,not by one man.
Doesn’t matter,it’s their opinion on SF and it’s attitude/ opinion to Charlie’s coronation.

Who’s they?

Another step away from republicanism and to the centre … Soon to be SFFG

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Happened down here,SF -became FF
FF government executed republican prisoners.

Some of their policies disgust me personally,
Don’t agree with them on a lot of things,
Too pro EU/ and their abortion stance disgusts me( personal opinion I stress)

But I’m voting for them 100 pc

Only reason is that the monopoly government ATM and the constant FF FG governments of the past have destroyed and sold our sovereignty, rights , heritage.
Need change, need ppl to put aside personal opinions and family loyalty and step up

SF may be as bad as the others eventually but I feel it’ll be good for the country in the short term at least.

Our country deserves a change

We never took the Queen’s shilling in FG to administer a statelet like SF have done.

SFF it is.

Having said that Michelle O’Neill is a better leader than Mary Lou.

Course she is
Born in CORK

Fucking hell. This from the fella who was geeing out of him last week about John Hume and the peace process.


Will Michelle get a bowl of soup at the Coronation?


Meanwhile every SF controlled council in Northern Ireland have blocked any Coronation commemorations. Playing to the gallery whilst keeping things nice and divisive where it matters.

Michelle is right to go to the coronation, i wouldn’t go myself but then I’m not an elected representative of a whole hape of tans in norn iron. Elizabeth Windsor went to dublin and said nice things, acknowledged the pain etc, besides the brits have agreed to pull out of the north and we all have to get along in the new paradigm.
That said she should turn up in some class of paramilitary dress uniform…black beret, sunglasses etc