The north/really good looking fellas

If you can’t trust the IRA who can you trust ?

Surely the IRA could clarify this.

Perhaps they can clarify if they did the Regency attack which they claimed, although you’d feel for the hutches getting the blame.

Also said they done the General but others say different…

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A cross community drug gang. Small steps I suppose.


General interest. Why?

Ben Lowry gave a virtuoso performance this morning on Nolan. From 29 mins into the show and it lasts a good 15 minutes, it would fairly lift the spirits.


Maybe Ben’s emotional state was because he had advance preview of the latest census results. These figures indicate that if the Union is to be saved Ben will need to go on the charm offensive to ensure support from those with a Catholic background, I look forward to his efforts.


It’ll kill him

This Adam Smyth chappie whose mother is a TUV councillor sounds like a piece of work.

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FFs the new gang will claim everything

Couldn’t listen to anything with Nolan

He is an absolute stain on this part of the island and the place would be much better if he was taken off the radio, but when I heard that Ben gave one of his all time great performances this morning I had to seek it out.



He’s nothing but a rabble rouser


Unionist fear is hitting record levels yet the usual suspects are saying we’ll never reach a united Ireland or a border poll would never happen.

Political unionism still stook in the 1950s when the game has moved on.

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Ben gave a tour de force. He will end up with gallstones or kidney stones if he is not careful.

Once that over 65 bracket fizzles away then it’s good night to the union and it will be signed, sealed and delivered by the bigotry and intransigence of the DUP/UUP/TUV.

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Census already shifted and numbers barely moved for nationalists.

It’s up to them really to sell the UI dream as despite Unionism’s implosion, they aren’t convincing many.

Nationalists are now the biggest bloc in local government for the first time ever on the most recent results.

You haven’t a baldy notion what you’re talking about.

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