The north/really good looking fellas

Fonacab will be delighted with the advertising

Nationalist vote in 1998: 38.7%
Nationalist vote in 2023: 40.6% (including PbP)

The demographic shifts cited have been ongoing for two decades and the vote has not moved where it needs to.

The remaining shift might get nationalists to 45% but so far the demo shifts have been underwhelming with clear attrition in the core.

The big opportunity was the last five years in truth, but that was blown by nationalists.

You’re not including independent republican councilors which includes groupings like IRSP.

The fact is there was unprecedented rises in staunch councils such as Antrim and Newtownabbey.

You can continue to ignore the increase in nationalist vote
You can continue to ignore the fall in unionist vote
You can continue to ignore the middle ground is more aligned to nationalists when it comes to transfers
You can continue to ignore the shift in demographics
You can continue to ignore the absolute fear of unionists

It only serves to me you look like a bigoted fool.

If nationalists get to 45% they only need a small percentage of the growing middle grounders, unionists need the majority of them and the DUP/TUV will drive those middle grounders to a United Ireland


What’s the story here? Is a Belfast rorys stories type?

God fearing, UVF, drug dealing, gun toting cabbie

He has two of the three quintessential loyalist boxes ticked
a) Bald :white_check_mark:
b) Forearm tattoo :white_check_mark:
c) Fat :x:


Oh the 0.2% of the world! Let’s not mention the fact that many PSF and SDLP voters won’t even vote for a UI!

The delusion is frankly embarrassing. We would have a shot of a UI by now if the likes of yourself weren’t such backwards orcs.

It appear they just need to keep saying that the glorious day is soon at hand to keep some of the hardcore eejits on side.

It will take about 2 years of PSF being in government in the south for the penny to drop.

It is.

Why would you have unionist MPs and the editor of the Unionists talking about super majorities and turnout % to make the poll valid. Why are the crying for the Brits to make some sort of intervention.

Like your fellow bigots you are fooling no one, the fear in your post is palpable and you’re not making one iota of sense. You’re not the full chilling.


Because naturally they want to shore up their position as much as possible.

But to be clear, political Unionism has embarrassed itself and the incumbency of the Union is in spite of them.

Reality is that nationalism is losing a large % of the demographic gains elsewhere and the Castle Catholics remain.

Brexit presented an immediate opportunity for a UI but the Protocol will entrench the Union further.

The only chance for a UI now is for Scotland to leave the Union.

Shore up their position that is falling off a cliff. Something you ignore and dismiss.

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Jesus Christ… He’ll surely get penalty points for reckless driving?

By god that was entertaining and I’ve a huge smile on my face after listening to the utter cunt flail helplessly like that.

Nolan was shouting down the caller from Derry about going back 100 years but happily went after MON mentioning Shankill etc.

The Derry caller drove the final nail when he asked Ben what Unionism had done to sway a Nationalist into wanting to stay in the Union. A grand pause ensued before the News saved the cunts blushes.

Thanks for sharing, pal.


Nothing worse that a lukewarm poster

You get 3 PTS for holding a phone,whats the penalty for holding an imitation desert eagle

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He wasn’t even on the clock but had the dashcam running. I wonder if he incredibly thick or planning on showing his mates down the footage down the hall.

It simply cant be real. Why would he release his own dash cam footage of that? And the boys dont look that scared. And the whole thing looks fake too. I was waiting for a punchline of some sort.

Oh it’s real. He’s been sacked and PSNI investigating. You should never be surprised by the stupidity of a bald loyalist with forearm tattoos.


Are you presuming that all catholics want a UI? Is the presumption that all Protestants want to stay in the union? What about catholics who work for the British government and avail of the NHS? What about Wolfe Toners who dream of an all island state :shamrock:?

I’m presuming the majority of people in the O6 will want a new Ireland at some point in the next decade.

I make this assumption on a variety of factors

Demographics and the rise in traditionally nationalist/catholic population
Inability of Stormont to function
Unionist decline, intransigence, their use of the veto to progress the state socially and economincally
The unionist bigotry still permeating through areas of society
The disasterclass of Brexit and double downing from political unionism

The nationalist vote is growing steadily, the moderate voting bloc is increasingly strong and the unionist bloc is in decline. Political unionism still don’t understand that their hardline bigotry and extremism is turning away which were once moderate unionist or status quo. The more damage they do the better for a United Ireland.

Thanks for answering a question that wasn’t asked.

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