The north/really good looking fellas

They’re fucked, slowly bleeding to death

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The Druggies burning off unwanted Vehicles I see. Not the best recycling method.

Outstanding in fairness. Is the boat a reference to the sea border as well…

Carla Lockhart is some cunt


That gang of reprobates have no sense of morality

FFS I remember being shocked on a Sunday
Nothing doing

Pity twasnt the live version of Leo the langer

She has nothing to her at all but bitterness, a deeply stupid woman but a useful idiot for those behind her.


“Ah sure it’s just a ten minute walk, that’s all. What’s the problem?”

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I do not understand how that pallet bonfire structure can be allowed to be built.
I mean, fair play to them, it must have taken ages. But surely it involves some sort of planning permission? There must be numerous fees for road closures and the crane hire would be enormous.
Most of those pallets are blue as well, so they belong to someone else. Who’s paying for them?
That whole structure must have cost a couple of hundred grand. I’m sure that drug money could be better spent in that community, providing jobs or teaching them how to read and the like.


I can tell you truthfully and uncategorically that most orange men shake their heads at such shenanigans. As my tan neighbour said to me, sure even the bogsiders and watersiders managed to work it out. Its them belfast ones that cause all the bother


Apparently an Orange lodge applauded the Derry minors as they made their way home on the team bus yesterday. With the BBC having 5 hours of live hurling this weekend and nothing live for the 12th, the biggest concern looking forward will be getting tickets for games at the new Casement.

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That’s good to hear. I suppose an encounter with a lodge and a bus full of jubilant teenage taigs could have gone any way.
I look forward to our seniors getting a similar reception

Those lads would do good with a hurl…

Likeable sorts

There’s nothing less gay than men wearing tight tank tops honouring King Billy with majorette skills and high kicks which would put US high school football cheerleaders to shame.


State of the bloke with the bucket hat and sunglasses :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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