The north/really good looking fellas


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Hard to believe this lad teaches kids….

@glenshane - I’d say you have this on repeat in the tractor

He’s wrong there. “Each country its own song”. “NI” doesn’t have its own anthem.

This band Kneecap are causing a bit of a stir

I think it’s only among those who are upset at the success of the west Belfast festival though. It’s been a great 2 weeks with a fine mix of events. No doubt those who have been watching on with great envy will have plenty of ammunition after tonight when the Dublin lot stuck in their 1970s ways come up.

The feile looks like great craic compared to the hatefest that goes on in July.Whats that Bobby said about our children’s laughter?

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You’d feel sorry for the poor sap who accidently published that list of information about the PSNI staff.

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No accident
Apparently it could be a cop

Three different psni departments approved the release…following a foi request from a member of the public.

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That was no accident as Corky said.

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100 pc from what i can gather
It’s done serving cop with a grievance
Rumour mill anyways

Well the excuse is plausible enough.
The information was contained in an excel spreadsheet where columns had been filtered/hidden instead of deleted before being released.

Who was it released to is an interesting question?

Adding more fuel to the fire :fire: