The north/really good looking fellas

Let the ppl sing

You would be called in that situation “a mighty man”.

Let them sing theirs and vice versa
Nothing anyone on here can changes thing

It’s life in tbe 6 counties
Still fresh on ppls minds

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Well, you’re right there. Nolan had the exact same show last year, and will again next year.

Thought your reply was mmmm
No glasses on here
I’m struggling

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Yes; most of the North’s problems regarding sectarianism won’t be resolved until matters like social inequality, unemployment and education in deprived areas are tackled. But both sides would rather focus on the behaviours of the other rather than point the finger of blame at those in positions of power who would rather maintain the status quo as sectarianism keeps them in power.


Education leading to jobs is the answer

I would choose not to sing the songs if it were me, just to contribute to the process of “moving on”.

I’d like this twice if I could

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It doesn’t matter what people are “expecting”. It would be very easy to simply cut the “Up The RA” stuff out.

If there was a similar festival on the Shankill and thousands of people were shouting “Up the UVF” dressed up as “fun” there would be wide objections from Catholics and rightly so.

I don’t get how people don’t get this. If somebody who had three family members blown up by the Provos in the Shankill bomb objects to the Up The RA chant being publicly sung by 10,000, the default reaction among far too much of the CNR community is to goad that victim.

If “themmuns” were glorifying the scumbags who did Loughinsland or Greysteel or Whitecross, how would we feel?

This shit needs to be cut out of society.

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It’s not that simple. It’s chicken and egg. The obsession with trying to get one over on “the other side” is a major part of the reason certain areas languish behind economically.

And there’s also plenty of bigotry in areas which are doing alright economically.

Too many people aren’t really interested in moving on. You can’t move on as a society unless the paraphernalia associated with bigotry is ditched or genuinely reformed.

To say “if things were better economically there would be much less bigotry” is way too simplistic and I don’t think it bears out in reality, it doesn’t in a lot of other countries anyway. Conversely, poor economic conditions do lead to upturns in bigotry.

But there’s a whole information environment now that heavily promotes antagonisation of others and that really will be very difficult to deal with going forward, it’s a genuinely massive problem across all societies.

I’m guessing marching and singing about 1690 is fun to some people too.

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They’re just uniforms, they’re just songs, they’re just pallets, and it’s all a bit of fun.

As long as people behave in a certain unacceptable way, this behaviour will continue to be highlighted. That’s the way of the world.

The CNR community highlights the bigotry associated with Loyalist bonfires every year. As long as there are KAT banners or effigies of Michelle O’Neill or Irish flags put on bonfires, people will rightly object and highlight this.

The CNR community highlights the abuse James McClean takes every year for refusing to wear a poppy (something I admire about McClean).

There are two seperate points here. One is making Northern Ireland “work” and both have their blotches there. However, as some types up there like to say the Unionists are worse, I wouldn’t disagree with that at all. The people with the most incentive for NI to work are Unionists are their politicians and they have behaved like clowns in that regard.

The second point is if you actually want a UI. Nationalism has failed to advance that cause in 25 years despite demographics being on their side. It appears that the “demographics will look after themselves” thinking was used. Electoral gains in a bubble (ie being the top nationalist party in the north and poll topping in the south) is distracting from this massive failure.

What songs would you choose to stop singing though? All oh ah up the ra songs? Maybe Sean South as well? - your hurlers are fond of that one and it offends some people greatly. Would you end the singing of Fields of Athenry, Skibbereen, Grace etc?

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I’d end the singing of Grace because it’s a horrific crime against music.

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But both sides are as bad as each other don’t you know.The Feile is just as bad as the fuckin absolute hate fest we see every July.Apparently.

Tbh it does happen in loyalist areas also

Doesn’t bother me at all

Why it worries ppl 100s if miles away baffles me