The north/really good looking fellas

Féile rolls on with the traditional bit of nonsense near the end I see.

Nolan going to be cancelled?

@glenshane @IlCapitano @fulvio

What did he do now? Is it over the Feile? I can’t understand going to a music festival where the common theme of each band is “oo aa up the RA”.

Have you been to the Feile?

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No idea, I’ve stopped listening to the poisonous lying bigot…mostly.

No, and no interest. I am aware there’s much more going on apart from music.

Sure no need to. @Tim_Riggins reports on it for us every year. Apparently it’s the equivalent of every parade and bonfire put together. Must be some gig.


Such a lazy response and disappointing to see you take the Shinnerbot line.

If your response is whataboutery and claiming relative muddiness, you’re losing.

I don’t think it’s particularly controversial to state that this festival enables and indeed promotes the sort of recreational bigotry that is one of the biggest impediments to a shared society in the North. It does so under the guise of “fun”.

You can’t seriously complain about Orange bands commemorating Loyalist terrorists or NI football supporters chanting “we hate Catholics” and then turn around and defend 10,000 people chanting “Up The RA”.

Two sides of the same coin.

Up the Ra is essentially a meme at this stage

And deliberately so. They’ve been at it for years in trying to normalise their campaign, that is the no. 1 goal of SF. Sadly certain other nationalists (and parties down here) sit around and allow it to happen.

It only damages the United Ireland cause.

People bring up the parades but nobody here is saying this is a smart way to extol the virtues of the Union to Nationalists.


That’s the same line Trumpists took about “Build That Wall”, “Lock Her Up”, “Make America Great Again”, Pepe The Frog and all the rest. Anybody with a brain could see these were not memes, that they were actual real examples of fascist rhetoric in action. This is how fascism thrives in the modern age - by trying to pass itself off as humour.

This stuff might be a meme if you’re a Catholic nationalist, because you aren’t on the wrong end of it.

Similar to the hateful stuff the other side shout or sing about Catholics. They might think that’s a meme. But it isn’t.

All I see is two sides endlessly trying to wind up and antagonise the other for kicks. This stuff matters though and you aren’t ever going to get a shared society by perpetuating it.

Wow at that response

I sang Celtic Symphony in O’Briens pub Limerick city a few weeks ago.

It’s a tough one, obviously the up the RA stuff is outdated, and Kielty was correct in saying it is easier to sing about a United Ireland, than to not sing about one and actually get it.

But it’s also a very fun song to sing in a packed pub with a few pints on board.


I dare say so is “we hate Catholics, everybody hates Roman Catholics” to the tune of Tiffany’s “I Think We’re Alone Now”.

It’s one bloody song ffs
Feike is a lot bigger than that

It could be a lot bigger than that.

The problem is when you consistently put on acts which you know are going to descend into an Up The RA fest you’re reducing your own festival to nothing more than an Up The RA fest.

Tbf all ppl attending expect a finish Lionel this,
So those insulted will always be insulted,
Majority are young ppl who haven’t a clue ,
And would run a mokevif twas genuinely glorifying murder,
But look it’s historical what happened on both sides -
Ppl need to move on
I still listen and sing the valley of knockanure
Boys of kilmochael
( not the sanitised version)
And always will
( in the car, house etc)
ODonnell Abu, not one bit worried what ppl think
Im not insulting anyone personally
Just keeping my history alive

I honestly wouldn’t worry about young ppl singing along to the WTs

What anbout No Surrender or Up the UVF. Memes?