The north/really good looking fellas

What was the deal?
There’s the question

Jeffery gets to be a wanker. The ultimate triumph.

Well that was immutable

PSNI have outdone themselves here. With the DUP about to return to Stormont I suppose this, at least, is something to cheer up the excitable loyalist sorts.

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Wait until the old guard die out and it’s gen z in charge. They won’t give a fiddler’s cunt.


Dunno tbh
Look at what the younger generation nominated in the film category :roll_eyes:
No wonder the world is fucked
I despair

That’s not nominated by the younger generation. They are put forward by the organisers of the Globes who are The Hollywood Foreign Press, a notoriously old and conservative organisation not liked at all by the younger generation or ‘wokesters’ who you seem to be trying to have a cut off of here.

They most likely wanted to ensure Margot Robbie turned up at their awards show.

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I’m not a big cinemagoer but I went to see Oppenheimer as I think Cillian Murphy is a decent actor. It was shite.

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CM is fab but I couldn’t watch that,
Too long etc

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Killers of the Flower Moon is awful


I don’t really understand what’s going on here.

Is this serious?

Yes. A desperate attempt to stop people from voting SF.


For anyone who has not seen it.

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This is happening again, been going on for a few nights. I got up to see if I’d left the central heating on, even though i knew i hadn’t. I went outside. but there’s nothing other than the occasional sound of distant traffic and a bit of wind. It’s a steady mechanical hum.
I’d say alien abductions are imminent…if they haven’t already started

I’m sorry we ledtyou down

Beats the hum of the bullet.


Was up there as best man to my mate ( INLA prisoner)
A week or so later
Gerry McCaughey RIP,

Obviously a few guests missed the ceremony

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A beautiful hit if there ever was one. Him and his dirtburds shot dead two young brothers of a mate of mine on her birthday. Their only wrongdoing was that they spoke Gaelic.