The north/really good looking fellas

Yep him and his cronies in mid Ulster were simply ethnic cleansers
No political agenda whatsoever

That was fuckin awful
Worst of it
A lot of ppl down here haven’t knowledge of a lot of what went on,
From being denied work simply for being RC,
To being actively targeted over playing your national sport or even caretaking a GAA club etc etc

Why were the Loyalists planning to murder all male members of the Cairns family the year before? Were they Catholics living in a Loyalist area or why would they be targeted?

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Disgusting. I see the likes of Dick Spring, the cunt who was majestically ousted by Martin Ferris saying last week when pressed on SF, that the IRA’s actions were unnecessary. Most people south of the border counties who vote FFG the absolute same. They were wrapped in the cotton wool of chosen ignorance. British Labour were more vocally sympathetic than them, and that’s saying something.


Pretty much, and their Da insisted on them being a gaelic speaking household. They were 100% apolitical.


Indeed listened to the Frank Stagg pod on Rte docs earlier
It’s gives a glimpse what the free state government did
Cunts actually kidnapped his body
And instead of landing in Dublin
Diverted to Shannon,
Arrested his brother who was accompanying the coffins,
Colluded with the Brits throughout just to stop a Republican show of strength :roll_eyes:

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My friends brother A political
Was shot dead on Bloody Sunday
Jackie Duddy
Family were and still remain A political.
He alongside most were marching for civil rights nothing else,
32 county Ireland :ireland: wasn’t even being thought about,
Was votes / houses/ equality

Sorry, but you can’t justify blowing up restaurants, fire bombing dinner dances or blowing up bus stations. You can’t get behind that.

I can assure you that this wasn’t all they did. They protected a community when nobody else would to the best of their abilities.


This is it. Much of the south had it too good. Large tracts of land, and no british soldiers interfering with their lives, no innocent family members getting shot. Let’s point at the IRA’s mistakes, and that will justify our spinelessness. I’ve a lot of respect for men who made their way across the border to put their shoulder to the wheel. There was many. A lot of the rest remind me of Donald Trump and his bone spurs.


Well anyone living down here can’t point fingers
Majority has forefathers in the IRA or C na Mban who bombed
Hurt civilians etc etc
No such think as the “ old IRA”
My grandad and brothers were no angels,
And personally met Tom Barry
Conversations with Tom Kelkeher
And daithai O Connell( Cork man
And chief of staff of the provos)
Introduced car bomb to NI

Was with Sean Sabhat on that fateful night,

None of these men and their comrades fought for freedom with a :pen:

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They did. I didn’t comment on that.

According to a BBC documentary a few years back it was because they were related to Sheena Campbell, nothing more than that. I’m fairly certain the family stayed living in the house and the sister now runs a yoga centre there.
There was a book released a few weeks back on the troubles in the Tullylish area which is supposed to be very good, Dirty Linen. This is one of the atrocities covered in it.

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Course it was. All the slow learners did was sign themselves up to administer British rule in NI and get themselves pensions. Dullards who support them for their 32 country credentials seem to have missed the fact they have failed to move things forward positively despite having all the tailwinds of the last few decades.

Kwasi a bit loose on the sums again


100 pc correct

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Your lot were very proficient at murdering Catholics and Protestants.

How’s your bone spurs?