The north/really good looking fellas


If Ben was sitting at his laptop grinning away when doing stuff like this you would have to have huge respect for him, instead all indications are he is in floods of tears and firing stuff across his office. It’s still very amusing though

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Hard to believe jeffrey just dabbled a bit back in the day, and then just took up a new hobby. I wonder if we’ll see more victims coming forward…or more perpetrators being exposed


Valley of Knockanure men

My grandad,
A Kerryman who never took the soup
Locked up in wormwood scrubs,
Never shook

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Duagh co Kerry

I dont get why the media are making a big deal of the fact that the allegations are ‘historic’…its like as if they are trying to downplay it because it happened a long time ago.

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I think it’s more down to the fact that they’re questioning how it was kept under the carpet for so long. Half implying that there must be a multitude of people involved in keeping it quiet for that length of time

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Google Kincora
It’ll give U and insight into how the system and state protected the ’ elite’ loyalist paeodos for generations


Correct; a close associate of Ian Paisley’s ran the place and that was Big Ian knew it too. Farmed out troubled teenagers to the elites in Westminster

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Read about that a few years back. There was a few sexual degenerates on the Republican side, but the Loyalists seemed to have made something of a tradition of it.

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Main difference is loyalists were protected throughout,
The few deviant republicans were mostly outed,
Bar Adams the bastard looking after his brother until it became public knowledge,
I know of one volunteer in Derry who returned to a party at his locked up mates house and raped his friends wife,
Punishment- told not to return to the city side for 2 years,
McGuinness order,
Nothing else,
He was more worried about bad PRO than the woman’s welfare,
That’s the only case I know if in Derry

The Adams case was putrid for SF’s PR machine.

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Adams is a cunt end of,
Ordered the execution of a friend in Belfast
Under orders of Mo Mowlan etc

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Statement from the family of Volunteer Joe O’Connor
We the surviving siblings of IRA Volunteer Joe O’Connor send our best wishes, blessings and solidarity to his old comrades in the 32 County Sovereignty Movement on this our National Day of Remembrance.
We thank you all again for remaining true to the principles of the 1916 proclamation and trust you to remain steadfast in the pursuit of true Irish freedom and Sovereignty as was the goal of our dear brother and indeed all of our patriot dead.
While we as a family must live with the spectacle of seeing latter day monarchists and career politicians, (those who approved of our brother’s state sanctioned murder) gather at the graves of Ireland’s fallen, it gives us great succour to know that true Irish republicans disgusted with their deeds both past and current are gathering in those same sacred spots, but with correct intentions.
In previous years it was revealed to us that a paid RUC agent demanded and initiated the murder of our brother in October 2000. Our public declaration through the media to this effect has not once been refuted or countered by the Provisionals or their many media and online commentators, and as such we can only accept it now as fact.
The British state murdered our brother via a paid agent on the ground, but also with the ‘blind eye’ approval of every party in Stormont and indeed Leinster house. While British secretary of State Mo Mowlam openly called for such murder two years previously, not two days after the foul deed, Bertie Ahern simply stated that he wanted to ‘see the Real IRA delt with comprehensively’.
The appearance of co-ordination between Joe’s murder in the north and Aherns ongoing round up of his comrades in the south was always evident to us and is not (in our opinion) a coincidence. Our brother was murdered in a cross-border initiative to smash principled dissent against the ongoing pacification process which is today destroying revolutionary Irish republicanism before our eyes.
While most champions of human rights will be loath to admit it, Joe’s murder was a blatant case of British and Free State collusion, as foul as the atrocities of Churchill, Mulcahy and O’Higgins in the past. And you in the 32CSM were all victims of it yet stood firm.
We salute you for standing firm and know you will continue to do so, and we wish you a happy and peaceful Easter.
Tiocfaidh Ar La

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When peace is on the way the hardliners always get taken out .that’s the name of the game Corkie and well everyone knows it.

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