The north/really good looking fellas
Two fine contrasting stories here. One from an ordinary community in mid Ulster, the other from a LVF stronghold in Belfast. The age profile in both is a good indication of the direction of travel.


Whatever about Less Schools, it would be very apt if Moore Holmes took up a role as political adviser to Sinn Féin/IRA housing spokesperson Eoin O’Broin. That’s the kind of all island, cross community relationship building we need to see more of - just like in Poyntzpass.

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Ah lads


Don’t tell em.

If we call it Carson Park can we get it built?


I can’t believe that you missed Paisley Park.


And the weight profile

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Whatever happened to a protestant police force for a protestant people?

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This is hilarious. I sincerely hope Geezer leads Armagh to a 5 in a row now*.

(* yes, I know, not likely).

Quite unusually for Carla Lockhart she managed to make a speech without reading it from a sheet, them words must have been from the heart. Noteable contributions from her have included writing to Birmingham City asking some Irish women footballers to be sacked for singing a song, having her photo taken outside court with a former British soldier standing trial for murder, and earlier this month speaking at a Council meeting to oppose a bilingual street sign in an area where all respondents were in favour. It’s a shame the gerrymandering is gone and she has to do so much of the heavy lifting by herself.


You should phone in to nolan with that tribute

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You need to float that out on Twitter, or as glenshane said, get on to Nolan!

Has this comedy been posted yet? Although there are 1 or 2 in it who talk sense!

I often wonder what I’m doing engaging with some of the lunatics on here, I’m hardly going to allow myself to sink to the level of twitter or, god forbid, Nolan. Feel free to take it on yourself though, Carla is surely in the running for one of the worst people on the island. She was on Talkback today discussing assisted dying and, predictably, had an abysmal, heartless position on it all.
I see Starmer has apparently told UEFA Casement Park is going ahead - I’d be fully in favour of a stand being named after Sean Marty just so the Lockhart name is forever associated with it.

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Homer Simpson park as long as it gets bloody built

Left taigs in to to curdle the cream :muscle:

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Just read this ,don’t remember it,bloody hard.
