The north/really good looking fellas

You’d want to be taking a long hard look at yourself there.

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Doug Beattie has resigned I see

There’s nothing in the SDLP


If he can’t meet someone in the house of lords…


Colum Eastwood quits as SDLP leader. I presume Claire Hanna will take over now.

Thank you very much Mr Eastwood


Scum ,not representative of my Ireland
Standing cheek by jowl with loyalist assassin’s

A horrible little tinpot dictator of a sparrow-fart of a man. He called for mandatory vaccines for nhs workers, and insisted that unvaccinated care home staff be fired…“a pandemic of the unvaccinated” etc etc. He basically adopted every woke, authoritarian and unscientific position possible.

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He was dead right.

Thought so at the time,

I was wrong
It was all a sham

Why is that now?

So called care workers refusing to take a vaccine that would mitigate the risk of the patients under their care getting a deadly virus. Selfish cunts.

They were proven right. Maybe you should be man enough to admit when you get it wrong? Attacking hardworking and underpaid carers is no way to save face.

Just because you say they were right doesn’t make it so. The experts say it saved millions of lives worldwide. ‘Care workers’ who refused to take the vaccine at the time need to change career. Selfish cunts.

Are these the same experts who said it stopped infection and transmission?

The experts that said to stay away from horse dewormer.

They recommended covid vaccines for infants, mate. Is that when you climbed onboard?

Here’s a list of vaccines that children not born to headbangers who shouldn’t have the internet get in their first year in Ireland. Thankfully, we are a nation not beset or besieged by these illnesses any longer.

At 2 months

6 in 1 vaccine

This is a single vaccine which will protect your child against the following diseases:

At 4 months

  • 6 in 1 vaccine (second dose)
  • MenB vaccine (meningococcal B vaccine)
  • Rotavirus oral vaccine

At 6 months

  • 6 in 1 vaccine (third dose)
  • PCV13 (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
  • MenC vaccine (meningococcal C vaccine)

At 12 months

  • MMR (measles mumps rubella)
  • MenB vaccine (meningococcal B vaccine)
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Did you do that research yourself?