The north/really good looking fellas

We’re talking about the covid vaccine. Cant you tell the difference?

Explain to me exactly how you are an expert in the field?

I’ve a different take on the whole thing,and I was fooled like a lot of ppl
It was a scam,
Money n jobs and contracts for the boys and their buds
Wasted 10s of millions on it,
Gave ppl contracts Willie Nilly to supply masks etc etc
Some ppl made millions
Ppl in care homes were forgotten about and left to die,
Ppl couldn’t give respect and dignity to passed ones

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I’ve no issues ref MMR etc etc etc
It’s the anti COVID shit they pumped into us I’m worried about
My eldest boys sense of smell hasn’t returned
He’s on inhalers since
F that
Never again
And in no way will tne majority of ppl Comply with the lock downs,mask wearing etc

That’s what i said to a lad i went to school with. He passed out a day or two after the vaccine. Unfortunately he was driving at the time. Would you like to hear the rest of the story, before falling back on your childish mantra? I supposed he’s not entitled to his opinion either…

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Sorry…but your young lad has no expertise

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Is the trauma from this the engine which drives your ire?

He has building houses :blush:

See this little debate?
I had similar throughout COVID with a v close friend
Split his own family up
Cos he refused to be vaccinated they kept his niece n nephew away from him throughout COVID
Excluded him from his mother’s 70 th birthday etc etc

Gas cunts.

Great piece.

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Republican paramilitaries defended Ardoyne from loyalist mobs,
Likewise it different areas all over the 6 counties

IRA/iNLA were all the 6 county ppl had
After all majority of ppl in the free state ( not all thankfully)
Turned their backs on the nationalist minority ( at the time)


My little grand nephew getting acquainted with his history


Trevor is an alright sort.

When you think of Sean Brown’s family, what was done to a quiet decent man, and the quiet determination of his family to get to the truth. Every obstacle the British government can put in their way, just to hide their own involvement.
I have nothing but contempt for some ignorant and bigoted tramp who would dismiss them as whiney republicans. The independent is some rag.


Yes, there were acts by the British army, the Ulster Defence Regiment and the Royal Ulster Constabulary that were wrong

A master of the understatement is Trevor.


Only in the early years as they sought to tame the Taigs


Trevor’s article was in the Irish Times. He s speaking from the Planters view point, nothing to see here folks, we were all one big happy family, at least the Unionists were anyway.

Lot of anger here from the same lads who deflect from PIRA atrocities. All about “moving on” when it suits.

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