The north/really good looking fellas

He doesn’t say that. You deliberately misconstrue his moderate and balanced opinion .

He states

**However, the insistence of republicans to demand light on one group of acts, but not others, was always going to compromise handling the past. More than 700 murders of NI security forces remain unsolved, out a total of the 1,420 who were killed. Is there a clamour for truth and justice from those families? Yes, there is, but it is quietly made and mostly ignored. The Independent Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery should offer those families an honest opinion on what truth and justice they can hope to get.

It could help to address some of the understandable anger at the imbalanced way legacy has been dealt with. We hear about a small number of cases. So we should. But there are potentially 1,400 outstanding inquests.**

It’s both sad and amusing to see a couple of lads clinging together in an attempt to find validation

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100 per cent correct

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IRA ol stock considered by revolutionary ppl all over the globe how to to bring an empire to its knees
Unless Gandhi,and the Viet Cong leaders and Fidel Castro etc are all wrong?

Good God

I don’t think any of them ended up administering the rule of their oppressors like the PIRA did.

In one sense it isn’t worse because murder is murder. In another sense, the sense of the level of behaviour expected of people in official institutions versus unofficial resistance groups, it is indeed far worse.

In another sense, the one of the backdrop of the fundamental injustice of an “official” colonial idea and the reality of it versus the wider desire for freedom and equal rights of a marginalised minority, it is also worse.

The violence of the Brits was the “official” administering of bigotry, injustice and oppression.

Just as Israel’s violence is. The only difference was the scale. The Brits never got near the scale of Israel’s oppression.

The Brits will never give up their darkest secrets.

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Sunnigdale was 85 and that was violently opposed :person_shrugging:t2:


In a statelet set up with a protestant majority, protestant police force and one that carried out gerrymandering… An interesting term you use


That should have said 75… The point stands. There was no way power sharing of any sort was happening

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Gerrymandering since the foundation of the 6 counties until fairly recent history

Jaysus. We must only be an hour or two out from a lad from Crokes beside you who thinks I’m a bollox.

The exact remark, again: “No one was keener to give Johnny Ronan a blow job.”

Twas very funny. And everyone laughed at the obnoxious jumped up little prick from Galway who wants to get in, unavailingly, with the hockey-playing caste of South Dublin.

I’d say the faded underpants must be an awful state today.

You’ll be eligible for the Meals on Wheels soon? The bit of company will be nice for you.

Badly rattled – badly badly rattled, as per echt TFK phrase. I love it.

‘i am 57.’ I wonder what a little jumped up prick from Galway with terrible genes could make of that muster.

Made enquiries about you among a couple of solicitor friends. Seems you are not good news with female colleagues. Seems there is discomfort with your ‘lockerroom’ vibe. You have been in a bit of bother, there, I believe?

But sure yeah the kids are playing ‘hockey.’.