The north/really good looking fellas


An hour. :joy::joy:

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Did you edit Shutterbug in the Sindo Life magazine @Malarkey?

There’s a lot of posters on here who play the part of a cunt… But it’s generally just bravado and playing an INTERNET role…

You truly are a horrible, horrible cunt.

A 57 year old man traipsing around Ireland taking pictures of pints and trying to dig up real life dirt on strangers from the internet…
What a sad, pathetic life.


Love it.

Love it, love it.

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Meals on Wheels

This service is available to people in the community who are unable to cook their own meals due to age, illness or disability. The Meals on Wheels service is generally provided by a mixture of voluntary and statutory bodies. It varies from area to area.
Charges for Meals on Wheels may apply and are at the
discretion of each voluntary group.
In order to qualify for Meals on Wheels you will need a note from your Doctor or from your Public Health Nurse stating that you are in need of help.
There is a waiting list for the service and it will depend on how many people are on this list. There is no age limit for Meals on Wheels. Anyone in need of this service can apply.

Another little jumped up Kevin Myers-adoring paedophile accusation-inventing utter vulgarian.

Must enquire about you as well.

You put everyone to sleep on the Dalo podcast when you got your chance to show the world how great you are… Paint drying has more personality.


Don’t tell me he has a personality alibi ffs sake after all his guff.

Never meet your heroes I guess.

You know his kind… On the surface he appears interesting, has knowledge of most things and clever enough to appear interesting… Scratch beneath the surface and it’s empty.
It’s why he’ll die a lonely old man

Want to tell us about how you were ‘wheeled into’ any disciplinary processes? No?

Would say it is not me who is having trouble dealing with getting older.

Women are generally good judges of character in determining who they decide to partner up with and perhaps have a child with.

I made enquiries of my own and it’s interesting you were told to fuck off by them when it came to relationships and family.

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Loving it… I can really flay lads without even trying.

I am 57. And unmarried. As I have often said here. You know nothing about me beyond that craic. Even so, I saw more women naked than you have seen paper clips.

I know that you are, in real life, a dodgy deeply disliked jumped up little prick from Galway, someone who has no (legal) talent except as a sommelier of professional arse taste in mouth (‘Chateau Ronan Blanc 2003? Thought so! Beautifully chalky!’'), someone who ran into bother with female ‘colleagues’.

Now go ‘seethe’ for the evening.

You display a lack of emotional regulation on here that is very telling. It’s been commented on a number of times.

It’s clear you have a fierce temper and any perceived slight can set you off. I only hope it’s never led to violence, domestic or otherwise.

There is a reason you were rejected by women as a life partner. Maybe it’s just because you are a cunt. Rather than lash out at me you should engage in a period of reflection and find out where the anger is bleeding from and seek to stem that.

I believe in redemption and maybe you can find some peace some day.

I wish you all the best.



Bedding a few women seems to be his greatest achievement… Telpis. When you’re empty inside you’ll seek conquests to appease the ego.

No harm, I’d say Mark Renton would lave him in the ha’penny place on that front but you’d never hear him go on about it.

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Two thousand women have sampled the goods and moved on

I’m only skimming the thread here but there seems to be a consensus that Glenda Gilson was a pivotal figure during the troubles


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