The north/really good looking fellas

Sinn Fein take 3 seats at the expense of DUP’s Maurice Morrow in Fermanagh / South Tyrone.


Foster refused to speak with BBC after being elected.

Nesbitt has already resigned.

We need this Green Party lass to take the last seat in South Belfast.

Tight battle in East Derry between SF and SDLP for the final seat.

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She is surely facing a backlash within the Party. Not bringing her running mate in with her is a clear reflection of her cock ups. Losing some long standing names will be blamed solely on her Camp Fire fuck up.

Up the RA!


Are you an O Bradaigh man nembo ?

Pat Catney (SDLP) might have the last seat in Lagan Valley.

DUP could end up as low as 28 and lose the Petition of Concern.

Their belief in a vengeful God will come true

Catney has done it!

News from East Derry imminent.



I’m going out to the pub so I can steal a barstool and bring it back to the house. Then I’m going to sit on it for the night and unapologetically sing songs with lyrics that celebrate violence against Brits.


Enjoy it chief. This time next month the six counties will be under direct rule from London


Infinitely preferable for most of the lads posting here to the six counties being repatriated, with the tax hike to match.
Depressing, but true.

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Will be oppressed from London you mean

BBC 6 Counties has gone into EXTRA-TIME until 00:30 after initially indicating they were about to go off air immediately.


We just played On The One Road here. Belfast is bouncing.

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SDLP and / or UUP will be the kingmaker here

It doesn’t work like that @iron_mike. Normal rules do not apply in the niron assembly.

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Freudian slip by the Stoops’ Colum Eastwood! :smile:

1 Like’s that or direct rule. At best the DUP will have two more seats then SF.
Having said all that it’s great to see the DUP seething