The north/really good looking fellas

The DUP are seething with the UUP. Paisley turning in his grave

What did he say? I know he mixed up Dublin and London but can’t rewind the channel on sky.

I can’t rewind either, it was something like “we have to make sure that we’re not ruled from Dublin… I mean London” and there was a big ironic roar from the audience where he was speaking.


He did retort YET to his mockers. :dembele:

Open to correction here but I think that the rules are that the 2biggest parties of each persuasion have to rule and that the first minister has to be from the party of the unionist/nationalist side depending on which side has more votes as opposed to seats. So even in sf get more seats than dup the dup may get first minister because unionism is ‘bigger’ vote than nationalism. @Nembo_Kid?

Even so I doubt if SF will do business as long as Foster is at the helm.
Don’t laugh but my money is on Donaldson to save the DUP

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The first preference number comes in to play in the event of a tie.

He’s not an MLA, stood down from the Assembly years ago.

Tie in the number of seats or percentage vote?

Number of seats

Paisley made his play some weeks back with his kind words for Martin McGuinness.

Terrific to see Jim Allister re-elected in North Antrim. Jim is box office.


Here it is:

I only got a clip of his interview today where he said his family were upset. What was the general theme of his speech?

I didn’t see anything of Paisley speaking today. My comment about him refers to when he was a guest on one of those BBC 6 Counties political discussion programmes, can’t remember was it the Stephen Nolan Show or the other one I can’t remember the name of, Talkback, possibly. It was the week when Martin McGuinness announced he wouldn’t be standing in the election. Paisley spoke very, very well and seemingly entirely genuinely about McGuinness, he praised him a lot. “I want to say thank you”. It was the most impressive and conciliatory performance towards the Nationalist/Republican community I’ve ever seen from a DUP member by a mile.

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Yeah watched it. Considering his history it was a nice touch.

Must check up did he have a pop off the pointy nosed shrew Foster in his speech.

I’d say this got some airing last night after the BOH’s match, an unbelievable night for pretend ira lads oppressed by Scottish policemen at Celtic matches when they are told to it down

I am reliably informed @Bandage does a great Ballymurphy accent after 6 pints of Peroni, nearly as good as Brad Pitt

cc @balbec

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Yes you’re right. I’d forgotten about that

Think he was asked about some DUP chap who said his father would be annoyed / angry at the party’s performance and in-fighting if he was still alive and whether Foster’s leadership was in doubt. He replied that his family was upset at people constantly claiming to speak for the late Big Ian and that they should stop now and instead work together for the good of the party and do whatever talking which needs to be done about internal party affairs privately.

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When he puts on the accent, it’s almost like being there.

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