The north/really good looking fellas

The D U P will want to go again

I dont think so Joe. Wouldn’t make much of a difference unless the UUP changed their decision to look for transfers to go to SDLP.
My best guess is that Foster will have to fall on her sword and the likes of Donaldson and/or Paisley junior will get the DUP gig.

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A modern day Icarus impression from First Minister Foster. Unassailable 8 months ago after a big election win and backing the winning horse on Brexit but flew too close to the sun afterwards.

Even in her own bailiwick, careless with 29% of the vote to lose Lord Morrow’s seat. Mind you its curious in the first place what a member of the House of Lords is doing in the Assembly. I presume it not illegal but still surely a bit unbecoming. You sense that possibly preyed on the mind of the voters in Fermanagh/South Tyrone.

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Jimmy Brokenshire has an impressive stiff upper lip.

Another Loyalist nonce protected by the Establishment…


That just made my stomach turn… they deserve to be tortured to death.


All equally pissed off looking.

Wouldn’t you be as well if you had to deal with the DUP?

God love the poor fuckers.

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Orlaithi Flynn is lovely.


Is that Sharon’s real name?

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Mike Nesbitt has been up to something or other.

“I went to the hotel with three friends. Things happened. I don’t want to say anymore.”

Who’s Mike nesbitt?
As an aside, your one making provo dolls is a fucking idiot.
United Ireland is a distinct ballot box possibility in the medium term, a certainty in the long term. No need to be antagonising people (neutral voters especially)

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Mike Nesbitt was leader of the UUP until their poor showing in the recent election. It shows how irrelevant the UUP have become that their leader for the past 5 years is not a household name anywhere.

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Unionists are wankers.
That is all.

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Brendan Duddy. RIP .

This gentleman was allowed to commit 5 murders whilst working as a police informer. I’m assuming there will be uproar in the house of commons over this?

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