The north/really good looking fellas

Yes I do. This guy doesn’t strike me as the type of guy to do such a thing and also it’s a very strange thing to do if it was deliberate. He is a MP and surely the backlash would stop him from doing so as well.

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Agree rating. The guy strikes me as a prize idiot.


Of course it could have been a coincidence. I put a picture of myself with a bottle of Coke and a baguette on my head on Twitter on the tenth anniversary of Katy French’s death recently, completely unaware of the significance of the date. These sorts of things can very easily happen.

I think it’s a given that it’s a coincidence

Has he said what he was doing posting a video of himself with a loaf of bread on his head?


It’s his quirky humour

He has lots of pics like that

So he’s just an idiot?

I guess

I’ve no doubt you did. You’re gas craic altogether @Sidney.

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I posted this picture when it first happened:

His whole social media persona was harmless, lame, lighthearted stuff. He had a running theme of doing pieces to camera with food and drinks on his head.

“Great day meeting constituents at…but I’m home now, absolutely starving and can’t find my Mars Bar” type stuff with him balancing a Mars Bar on his head. Name any number of different food and drink products and there’s a good chance there’s a clip or photo of him with them on his head. He’s actually got a lovely and homely line in humour and I really enjoyed his posts.

Conflation is used in a very disturbing way in Irish political and public life at times. I see it in the Maurice McCabe case, any time the likes of Mick Wallace raises serious issues in the Dáil and in aspects of the homeless crisis too. It’s the standard tactic of the establishment parties and media to set the public against who they consider as outsiders, enemies or threats.

Best wishes to Barry McElduff - he’s a very very very nice guy.


He’s a simpleton then.


Not even his supporters are disputing that.

Huh? You think it was a coincedence he had a loaf of kingsmill bread on his head? Some fucking coincedence :joy::joy::joy:

Ah here.

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For any of those who think it may have been a coincedence what would you think if matty mcgrath was pictured with a jar of cranberry sauce on his head tonight?

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I’d think Matty was on the sauce again…



Id say his truly hilarious other photos of objects on his head were a smokescreen for the kingsmill one.


It’s was an extremely unfortunate coincidence but it left the door slightly ajar and it has now been opportunistically kicked open by absolute weirdo cranks like Micheál Martin, Gregory Campbell, Marian Finucane, Jim Allister, Arlene Foster and Willie Frazier.

It’s allowed them to deliberately misrepresent things and run with a “how dare you have the temerity to call for equal rights for the LGBT community, the nationalist community, proper resolution of legacy issues, investigation into cash for ash scandal, implementation of previously negotiated agreements when you’re doing this???!!!”

Unionists like Micheál Martin want a return to the status quo.
