The north/really good looking fellas


Proper order. As a sinn fein voter I was appalled by this incident and was hoping the party would take very firm action but they largely bottled it. The party need to learn to take accountability if they want to move forward and not point the finger at others when in the wrong.


Brady is making you grow up already.

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It’s great training for him to be a parent.


The people of West Tyrone may even choose to elect a representative that will further their interests in a hung parliament at a time of great change.

The Shinner vote is probably too strong there and the Unionists too moronic to whip around to someone from the Alliance say.

The whole time NI will continue to have little say on what the majority of the voters there wanted on the EU. Very disappointing all around but such is the North.

Resigning but no suprise he is claiming to be a simpleton in that he honestly hadnt made the connection between the massacre and the loaf of bread. These people are not real politicians.
SFIRA will simply line up another halfwit now to take the seat in british parliament they refuse to attend but happily receive their wages from.

Had I been conscious of the connection to the terrible atrocity at Kingsmill I would certainly not have posted that tweet. I genuinely did not make that connection, not for a second did I make that connection in my mind. Kingsmill was wrong, unjustifiable and sectarian. It should never have happened.

I’d love if it was a massive coincidence but it’s just not really credible.

I think it is a coincidence. If he was going to make fun of Kingsmill then it was a very strange way to go about it. This lad has form with similar simple carry on.

But even the slightest connection to be making little of one of the most horrific sectarian instances of the Troubles was enough for him to be sacked straight away in my view. But it didn’t happen and that is pretty pathetic.

Sinn Fein have made a complete bollox of this. In the first place by selecting a guy for election who clearly is so far out of his depth it’s embarrassing. That they genuinely think that he could have done this by accident suggests that maybe he’s not MP material in the first place.

Then to give him a rap on the knuckles, suffer 10 days or so of bad publicity only for him to resign anyway.

Amateur hour all round.

The Shinners are not a serious party.

he was elected mate- not that much out of his depth

Barry resigns . He gains a title due to archaic British parliamentary rules, say the Baron of Norrhumbelamd . This will be the real punishment .

Just to clarify, you’re saying that every elected representative, across all parties, is not out of their depth purely on the basis of being elected?

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Shinnerbots really are a disgusting breed. All over Twitter at any mention of him with their Whataboutery.

shinnerbots are disgusting?

whatabout the FG lackeys that didn’t give a fuck about the bombing of Dublin

Very sorry for Barry. He shouldn’t have had to resign, disgusting opportunism by political rivals.


I’ve seen little commentary on it.

However, Tyrone people wouldn’t be the brightest folk so I’ll take your word on it.

Is the video still up anywhere? Saw it at the time but can’t remember exactly what he said.

You think it was a coincidence that he released a video of himself with a loaf of Kingsmill bread on the anniversary of the Kingsmill killings?? Seriously?