The north/really good looking fellas

[quote=“Sidney, post: 457914”][font=Verdana][size=3]What have the Unionists given up?[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=3]A blatantly sectarian police force which colluded with Loyalist murderers?[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=3]The right to discriminate against Catholics when it comes to jobs and housing?[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=3]Giving full equality to Catholics isn’t a concession. It’s your [/size][/font]starting point [font=Verdana][size=3]from which to base a functioning society.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=3]These “protestors” simply want the right to treat Catholics as inferiors, to keep the six counties stuck in the dark ages. Like all their other supposed “culture” does. Stopping five year old girls from going to school. Forcing matches through Catholic areas. Road blocks. Burning tricolours. Flying Parachute Regiment flags in Derry on the anniversary of Bloody Sunday. Etc.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=3]The Good Friday Agreement was a victory for Unionists. But they’re too thick to see that. And they can’t even accept Belfast City Council bringing them into line with Britain on flying flags over public buildings, because that’s all it’s doing. [/size][/font][/quote]

It seems an absolute joke the whole thing. Sure it was a democratic decision. Is there even a small chance of it being reversed?

There are an estimated 70,000 horses unaccounted for in Northern Ireland, the British Labour claimed today as the Government there sought to allay fears that contaminated meat was being sold in supermarkets.

Shadow environment secretary Mary Creagh[/URL] said unwanted horses were given false paperwork in [URL=‘’]Northern Ireland before being sold for €10 and then resold to dealers for meat for as much as €500.

Crusaders-Cliftonville was postponed today due to loyalists blocking supporters from entering the ground.

These backward cunts won’t stop Tommy Breslin’s Fenian Army romping to the double this year.


Anyone watching Gerry on BBC2?

“Now is the time for a poll on unity”

Hard to argue with that.

What a speech. What an inspiration.What a man.

Gerry on the ball again calling out the self loathing Irish… ‘What are you ashamed of’

IRA / Sinn Fein definitely appeal to the underclass in this country.

He was referring to FG and their determination to knock down revolutionary buildings of 16 instead of promoting the area as a ‘rebellion’ tourist area.

And he is correct, again.

Just seen a photo of one of the men on trial with John Stokes, fucking hell. A sad day for Republicanism when they let a sunbed-using fat cunt with a massive tattoo on his face in their ranks. 15 years ago this type of character would be the exact image you would have of someone involved in a loyalist paramilitary. I feel sorry for Ruairi O’Bradaigh, a highly principled and educated man who devoted his whole life to the cause that this kind of thug is what is left.

Why did the Liam Adamd trial collapse?

Because they erroneously wrote his name down on the legal forms as “Liam Adams”.

Two questions for Raymond Crotty :-

  1. What is your view on the new political party NI21?

  2. Did Fianna Fáil’s attempts to set up in Northern Ireland a few years back ever get anywhere?

[quote=“Bandage, post: 782430, member: 9”]Two questions for Raymond Crotty :-

  1. What is your view on the new political party NI21?

  2. Did Fianna Fáil’s attempts to set up in Northern Ireland a few years back ever get anywhere?[/quote]

  3. Interesting development. McCrea and McCallister represented more inclusive wing of UUP and are genuine in their efforts. I like some of their policies. Problem might arise for them in that they say they don’t believe in labels, yet they didn’t have any problem calling themselves unionist six months ago. As we go forward though perhaps debate will be framed more around economic and social issues and less on issue of nationality. They might have an advantage as broad spectrum of views within SDLP, UUP and Alliance on issues like climate change, gay marriage, abortion, schools. Room for a socially liberal party who believe in integrated education

  4. No. All posturing

[quote=“Raymond Crotty, post: 782574, member: 25”]1. Interesting development. McCrea and McCallister represented more inclusive wing of UUP and are genuine in their efforts. I like some of their policies. Problem might arise for them in that they say they don’t believe in labels, yet they didn’t have any problem calling themselves unionist six months ago. As we go forward though perhaps debate will be framed more around economic and social issues and less on issue of nationality. They might have an advantage as broad spectrum of views within SDLP, UUP and Alliance on issues like climate change, gay marriage, abortion, schools. Room for a socially liberal party who believe in integrated education

  1. No. All posturing[/quote]

[FONT=Calibri]Thanks Raymond Crotty – it’s reassuring you still have your ear to the ground up north.[/FONT]

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Can this thread now be moved to the “Culture” category?

[SIZE=14px][FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=6]MLA has ‘no problem’ burning Tricolour[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=14px][LEFT]Published Thursday, 27 June 2013[/LEFT][/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=5][FONT=Helvetica]DUP MLA Paul Girvan has clarified remarks he made on U105 in which he admitted he had"no problem" with burning a tricolour on Eleventh Night bonfires.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px][FONT=Helvetica]The south Antrim representative made the comments after loyalists agreed to move a towering structure in the Ballyduff estate over safety fears.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px][FONT=Helvetica]On Wednesday, organisers said they would not make the bonfire any larger, and it would be moved 500m.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px][FONT=Helvetica]Mr Girvan, who was involved in the “eleventh hour” discussions with the community over their concerns, said putting an Irish flag on top of a bonfire was “part of the culture”.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px][FONT=Helvetica]Speaking on Frank Mitchell’s show on U105, he said: "I come from a society that this is part of their culture to have an Eleventh Night bonfire and what goes into that bonfire is important.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px][FONT=Helvetica]"Also some people feel it’s perfectly alright to put the flag of a foreign nation, which actually at one time claimed that they had some right over Northern Ireland.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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Unionists are marching today to commemorate the 1 year anniversary of the decision to restrict the flying of the union fleg.
Funny shtuff.

[quote=“Piles Hussain, post: 867735, member: 363”]Unionists are marching today to commemorate the 1 year anniversary of the decision to restrict the flying of the union fleg.
Funny shtuff.[/quote]