The north/really good looking fellas

Not a country.

province, principality, wee country, shithole, kip. whatever fits…

All of the above fit better. Well done.

God help us, the UVF have fallen on hard times if all they can do these days is burn a bit of nylon.

Does anyone south of the border ( seriously now) give a flying fuck about what that this shower of horrible bastards are up to?
its just a bit like 2 bald, deluded men fighting over a comb to be honest, both sets of them are welcome to the absolute shithole they have created and ill sit happily back and watch them bomb and murder each other as they squabble over who can fly a flag over some non existent governement building that has no authority anyway and is run by paedophiles , rapists and mass murderers.

Nationalism / Unionism my hole, those people have no fucking idea what it means, when will they get the picture that the countres they so badly want to be part of want nothing to do with the cancer that is them and like any tumour they just should be cut off and let to rot or it to will destroy what it wants to conrol.
The good thing for now tho is that they seem safe within their borders and only a danger to themselves.

The thought of a “united” ireland is fucking revolting, hand Dundalk and Co.Monaghan back to the bastards as well and at least then they can deal with that cunt Quinn.

Ive been to many bigoted shitholes in my life , Ramallah and Hebron in Palestine, Poor cities in southern israel like Shderot, settlements in the west bank like Beit El, towns in Bosnia like Travnik and also many parts of Croatia and Serbia. However by far and away they most disgusting concentration of bigot resides in Northern ireland and also in Glasgow and Western Scotland, Hitler got it wrong lads on the genoicde front, that i am sure

Who will pay for the north if the Scots leave the union? Will they still chip in or will it just be England & Wales that write the cheque for billions every year? I thought the idea about colonialism was about money flowing from the colonies to the motherland not the other way around?

I always thought the English subsidized the scotch and the welks

It’s a joke at this stage all this flag lark… Sending young kids out to stir up shite. Is East Belfast the last vestige of this backward ‘loyalist’ rhetoric?? Surely the issue is economic and lack of education and work rather than protecting their ‘culture’.

Correct pal, education is the key here. Who the fuck wants to clean up burnt out cars.

The butcher’s apron will fly proudly over Belfast’s city hall tomorrow to mark Kate Middleton’s 31st birthday

Bit harsh burning a Limerick flag all the same…

Saw a picture of some loyalist cunt using a fishing rod to attack a nationalist kid. Fucking bizarre.

Two lads had a crutch each too. This is the end game for loyalism.

A push and a shove, a few tins of green postbox paint and the land is ours.

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He must have been disappointed when he realised there was no mackerel around the Short Strand and just lashed out.

I’m surprised that gobshite Jamie Bryson hasn’t made an appearance in the COTY thread.

These weviews of Jamie Bwyson’s novel awe vewy funny:

Monsignor Eamon Martin, diocesan administrator of the Diocese of Derry, is set to assume Cardinal Brady’s duties by 2015 at the earliest.

Why does a Nordie always get this gig? The Dublin guy with the milk bottle glasses deserved it more

[font=Verdana][size=3]What have the Unionists given up?[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=3]A blatantly sectarian police force which colluded with Loyalist murderers?[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=3]The right to discriminate against Catholics when it comes to jobs and housing?[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=3]Giving full equality to Catholics isn’t a concession. It’s your [/size][/font]starting point [font=Verdana][size=3]from which to base a functioning society.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=3]These “protestors” simply want the right to treat Catholics as inferiors, to keep the six counties stuck in the dark ages. Like all their other supposed “culture” does. Stopping five year old girls from going to school. Forcing matches through Catholic areas. Road blocks. Burning tricolours. Flying Parachute Regiment flags in Derry on the anniversary of Bloody Sunday. Etc.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=3]The Good Friday Agreement was a victory for Unionists. But they’re too thick to see that. And they can’t even accept Belfast City Council bringing them into line with Britain on flying flags over public buildings, because that’s all it’s doing. [/size][/font]