The north/really good looking fellas

I was in Ballymena yesterday and I can confirm that the appearance of the top in Eastenders has created a wonderful buzz in the town.

“It’s a facking Gee-eh-eh top in the Queen Vic, innit.” :clap:

Willie got mugged off there, good and propa.

Past pupils include Hollywood[/URL] star [URL=‘’]Liam Neeson and Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers.

Excellent :clap::clap:

How fellas like Willie Frazer are still at large in the general community is beyond me

I hope the current hysterics from the Unionist politicians in the 6 counties will put an end to the silly speculation about why Adams just doesn’t admit he was in the IRA. Once any sort of amnesty or equivalent is even hinted at, the lads all revert back to their roots and demand their own firebrand breed of justice.

It’s far from universally agreed on either side of the divide, but I’d be in favour of just a blanket amnesty for everyone. That would include Bloody Sunday, Pat Finucane, various other security forces cover-ups, the PSNI can keep their Northern Bank money etc. as well as amnesty from prosecution for non state-sponsored agents from every side.

It’s all bullshit so the DUP can come out saying they are the real unionists and for the loyalist population.
There are elections on the 22nd may 2014 and that cunt Peter Robinson is trying to outdo Jim Allister’s TUV and play to the crowd of the scum bag fleg protestors.
They all knew about it, it’s bullshit! Cameron is also a chicken cunt not standing up to his back benchers.

We need Sinn Fein in government in the 26 counties so there can be a proper discussion on unification and a white paper drawn up. We also need an Irish Government to actively tell those brits that the Good Friday Agreement and the assembly is only a transitional step to a united Ireland and the unionists can put up or shut up! TAL!

Some interesting demographic figures from de North.

What’s particularly interesting is the performance of young Protestant males. They perform below Catholics in academic tests, and it’s espscially bad for underprivileged Prods… they perform at a level barely above Travellers and Roma in the rest of the UK.
Looks like Norn Iron may be developing a poor uneducated Proddie underclass.

in a protestant state they didnt need an education, they were guaranteed jobs in the public sector or the ship yards.

now that has come back to haunt them

Their only job was to keep Paddy down, but We’re not a downtrodden people anymore…

I see Martin McGuinness is going to the Queens house for tea.

Already mentioned in the “People who took the soup” thread, mate.

He said he was still a republican with his first goal a united Ireland. How would he even go about persuading the free state about a united Ireland never mind the unionists!! At present most cunts in the 26 would say “we can’t afford it anyway so don’t want it”…that bullshit.

We need a proper discussion on unification to even get it started, hence we need to be in government so we can make it a goal, make it a subject of a white paper so everyone has their opinions of the best way to go about it…but we need to be in government and Sinn Fein need to be electable and to get transfers. It’s 2016 soon! Christ would Cosgrove’s FG or Lynch’s FF turn their backs on the goal of a United Ireland…who knows? but maybe the people who vote for them now might…

Also, Since 9/11 there is little support in America for any other war than against “towel heads” and lately Russians…we need American political support if a united Ireland is in the making…

James Reilly will release a white paper on UHI before a white paper on unification, a mistake…cos at present a child in Cullaville will have better access to medicine while a few miles up in Castleblaney it’ll be €80 for the Dr, a prescription cost and then a consultants appointment in 18 months. The white papers should go hand in hand…

Unification is the first step in making this country on the whole island a fair and just society.

[QUOTE=“Ebeneezer Goode, post: 927715, member: 1785”]He said he was still a republican with his first goal a united Ireland. How would he even go about persuading the free state about a united Ireland never mind the unionists!! At present most cunts in the 26 would say “we can’t afford it anyway so don’t want it”…that bullshit.


When you say “in the 26” I think you mean Ireland?

No. I don’t, Ireland is the 32 counties. At present the majority of the 26 counties dismiss the idea of a united Ireland saying the wont see it in their time and we cant afford it anyway.

At present the majority of the 6 counties do not want it. Some think this is based on a religious divide and this will eventually change, however I think there is an awful lot of Catholics in the north that would vote no to reunification.

SF’s goal is to get into government in the south in order to produce a white paper on reunification so that a real discussion can take place and a lot of the myths and issues are dealt with.

This will in the process try take away the fears of those in the north about inclusivity or being able to afford it and persuade those who wouldn’t currently vote for reunification, to do so when the day comes.

If that means Martin having tea with Mrs Windsor for optics and making transfer of votes to SF candidates in future elections more palatable for people in the south then so be it.

[QUOTE=“His Holiness Da Dalai Lama, post: 927659, member: 1503”]Some interesting demographic figures from de North.

What’s particularly interesting is the performance of young Protestant males. They perform below Catholics in academic tests, and it’s espscially bad for underprivileged Prods… they perform at a level barely above Travellers and Roma in the rest of the UK.
Looks like Norn Iron may be developing a poor uneducated Proddie underclass.[/QUOTE]

TASE, your opinion on this one please…

Is it ok to be GGA jersey wearing Muldoon if it pisses off cunts like Alister and his ilk?
Or would a Rovers jersey be the real way to go here?

Ku Klux Klan flag flying in East Belfast. If they had just flown these all along they could have got right to the point a lot sooner.

[QUOTE=“Watch The Break, post: 974424, member: 260”]Ku Klux Klan flag flying in East Belfast. If they had just flown these all along they could have got right to the point a lot sooner.[/QUOTE]

and people still want a united ireland with these cunts…?
give the place independence, blockade the fuck out of it, pile on economic sanctions and let it rot

[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 974436, member: 367”]and people still want a united ireland with these cunts…?
give the place independence, blockade the fuck out of it, pile on economic sanctions and let it rot[/QUOTE]
Big time. Dublin City Centre should get independence too after Love Ulster trouble there from few years back. Tipperary should too as they keep on electing a corrup politician. Same with Swords in County Dublin. Limerick should go too as it’s full of troublemakers. Loads of other places should go too as discrimination towards travellers in many parts is huge but let’s not worry about that and instead direct our anger towards those in East Belfast as easier to pick on minority who behave like fools and racists there.