The north/really good looking fellas

Answer the question.

Why did nobody die on the UK mainland in the potato famine of 1850 - 1860?, and there were plenty desperately poor people in England, Scotland and Wales at the time. If capitalism was the reason, plenty would have died. Why did the English feed their “own” poor and allow the Irish poor to starve to death?

You simply can’t face the truth and admit the England that you love could do such a thing.

I answered the question for you in my previous post.

You are utterly blind to your ultra-extremist views where everything is black and white. Capitalism good, socialism evil. Whites good, blacks bad. Irish always virtuous, English always evil.

That all you have is to shriek about me “loving England” is very telling, I think.

Your “debating techniques” are much better suited to a locked in pub in rural Galway at 4am after 15 pints.

Here you go @Sidney Sorry for any confusion

You’ll have to define what “it” was first, mate.

Whatever you define it as…

Still haven’t answered, typical weaseling.

Why, if capitalism was to blame, did no UK mainlanders die in the potato famine of the 1850s? Why did the English bastards in power feed their own on the mainland and let the Irish starve to death?

You are exposing yourself as an absolute simpleton by the way.

Getting to the boiling point here lads!

Ah it’s only foreplay here kid. Go to the trump thread

Must have a gander,is Sidney present there also

FFS Mike that’s a love affair In the making,as bad as breaking my balls following me

Boards didn’t prepare me at all for this quagmire

V good

I’ll put this in terms as simple as I can, to make it easy for you.

You have a total inability to engage in any sort of civilised debate and you aren’t worth engaging with.

Are Sidney and Tassoti the same person?

So you can’t answer? But you claim to be able to debate?
Fuck off you absolute spoofer, you have wasted enough of my time.

Time you’ll never get back, mate.

Masterclass from @Sidney tonight.


Tut tut, so much projection.

The words “time” and “wasted” are indivisible in your case, I’m afraid.

Was there a potato famine in Britain during the 1850s?