The north/really good looking fellas

I’m that distorted I’ve had to resort to watching a mindless Stevan Segal film. The gratuitous violence is helping me relax

The potato crop failed due to blight throughout northern Europe in the years 1845 - 1848. The poor in England, Scotland and Wales were just as dependent on the potato as the Irish poor. They were fed though, mostly with food that was shipped over from Ireland. @Sidney thinks that was capitalism in action.

If the famine never happened we’d all be happily living in the United kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

It was.

In fact you’ve just partially described it there yourself, you utter dimwit. :laughing:

So capitalism involves starving one group of poor people to death and feeding another equally poor group, all supposedly in the same country?

You really must try harder, comrade.

@Sidney cleaning house here. He has the lads hopping mad

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Surplus food that could have been used to feed the starving was exported elsewhere because the starving couldn’t pay for it.

That’s basic capitalism 101.

You’ve just admitted this.

Christ, you’re good.

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But the same “surplus” food was handed out to the poor on the mainland who couldn’t afford to pay for it.

You are truly a simpleton.

I’m puzzled as to why you think the Irish famine actually happened in Britain.

Perhaps you’re a closet unionist?

Teasing him out and then hoisting labane up by labane’s very own definition of racism over the course of around 17 posts was just about the most delicate and genius piece of INTERNETTING I’ve seen so far in 2019.


Still upset about the GOAT and his teammates giving your yellowbellies hidings every time they meet?
I’m sorry mate, but I think it will only continue.

So lads.

Is it warm up north?

I think @Sidney has really upped his game here. He’s stepped away from the massively long posts that no one could be arsed reading and that reeked of a poster on full tilt and instead has calmly and snappily laid out his arguments. Kudos.


Ive been disappointed in sid lately. He’s lack of passion towards the recent lakeside championship was very unlike him.

Since @Sidney is incapable of dazzling with diamonds he opts to baffle with bullshit. A couple of cheerleaders here ought to know better.

Snow there 2day .

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I would like to see a united Ireland.

However, I suspect my vision for a united Ireland would be rather different from the vision for a united Ireland that a lot of people here have, which, to me, seems to be based on a sort of ethno-nationalist “stick it right up 'em” quasi-revenge mindset.

For instance, I couldn’t give a shit what the flag is, I couldn’t give a shit what the anthem is, and I’d have no problem essentially just reversing the roles of Ireland and Britain from the current situation.

I would consider myself an Irish republican, but not an Irish nationalist.

Those two terms really should be swapped, as they make no sense in the current widely used definitions of the terms. Irish nationalists in the commonly used sense of the term nowadays are really Irish republicans, and vice versa.

Regarding a hypothetical future border poll, I’d be happy to wait a bit before it’s held, at least until there’s a situation where opinion polls consistently show a unification vote will pass and everybody has time to come to terms with the inevitability of the situation. That may or may not be during my natural lifespan.

A 50% +1 vote in favour of unification would be a terrible outcome as it would likely precipate a return to violence. The Good Friday agreement was a great thing, but it did store up a bit of a time bomb in terms of a future border poll and the tensions which could potentially spill over from such.

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I dream of an economically socialist, socially conservative Catholic Ireland.

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What a pencil necked servile lackey of a lickspittle. You’re like some unloved offspring fathered by Ruth dudley edwards and mothered by eoghan Harris.

Thankfully there’s a dwindling number like you mate, religion and socialism are insane ideologies that have had their day.