The north/really good looking fellas

Can’t beat the constant Labane-Sidney conflict no injuries bar pride😊

You’re starting to babble now, so I’ll leave you at it. Let me summarize my points in case anyone else is interested.

  1. The famine was a genocide against the Irish people, specifically rural Irish people. It was perpetrated by an English government that regarded indigenous Irish as animals. I find it fascinating how many Irish people today mention the Nazis and holocaust in almost every argument, but can’t recognize the genocide perpetrated in their own country by Engish fascists.

  2. After the famine, all physical force efforts to remove the British from Ireland, or as much of Ireland as possible, were justified. The Young Ireland rebellion of 1848, the Fenian uprising of 1867, 1916, and the WOI.

  3. The RIC enforced British fascist rule in Ireland, killing all of them would be justified, regardless of the fact they were Irish. As for Soloheadbeg, someone had to fire the first shots, in a just war.

  4. The NI conflict was initially justified due to the failure of the British to respond to the civil rights campaign, and the brutal response to that campaign. However, when the war was not won quickly it should have been abandoned. I don’t justify Kingmills or any events after the early 70s in that context, although they have to be understood in the overall context of what had by then become a brutal tit for tat war (what the British wanted, as long as it was just Irish killing Irish they could care less, the only time they paid attention is when the war came to the mainland).

  5. Killing in a justified war is not murder, it is called justifiable killing, in the pursuit of the greater good. If Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc. could have been killed in early life, the 20th century would have been a much better place. If you don’t think killing these psychopaths is justified killing, then you shouldn’t comment on war.


Very good labane. Totally agree. Sidney/Tassoti who are the same poster would bore anyone with their inane postings.

Correct piece kid

It’s going to be difficult to convict anyone with possession of a “suspected firearm”

So they found something they suspect is a gun?

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They suspect so
(it could be a hurl)


Whatever. They’ll have as much chance of shooting a cop as hitting one of those wee white ball things.

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Christ kid you might need a Hurley. Sid has been typing for the last 40 minutes

Some call it typing, others it redrafting a turd.

Hurl in co Derry,Hurley in Derry city.

Its a hurley kid. End of

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Wasn’t so long ago a cop was hit on shipquay st remember, jogger not a million yrs ago

FFS in co Derry they call a sliotair a hurling ball😊

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I think Ill get mine out too chief. Hes still typing

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Use the time to brush up on your Ruth dudley edwards - context is invaluable

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The famine was caused by capitalism, allied to an utterly wanton disregard for Irish people by the British government who cared nothing for them.

You can call that genocide all you want, but the simple fact is it wasn’t, it wasn’t even murder.

Murder requires intent to kill. Heartless disregard and belief in insane quasi-religious economic systems do not amount to murder and genocide.

That’s an opinion. And it’s an absolutist position which specifically includes the possibility of a war of extermination, and subsequent attempts to justify such.

On that basis, dissident Republicans could quite easily take the view that a new campaign of shooting and bombing against any future border would be justified. And it would be just as legitimate a view as yours.

On what basis?

Last night you objected to the words “extermination”, now you’re explicitly saying that extermination would have been justified.

The UK, regardless of its imperial, colonial nature in the wider world, was not a fascist regime in this country. Until 1918 there was no mandate for an independent Irish state. The UK was not a pleasant regime by any means, but fascist it wasn’t.

Of all the conflicts in this country, in my view the one that started in 1969 was the most justified. Civil rights were under attack, there was gerrymandering, Catholics were being burned out of their homes, it was explicitly a Protestant state for a Protestant people.

Again, there can be no justification whatsoever for Kingsmills, yet in previous posts on this thread you have attempted to find one, while laughably blaming “socialism” for another sectarian massacre.

And you don’t even understand that by attempting to find a justification for Kingsmills, you’re justifying the Whitecross massacre the day before it, the Ormeau Road bookies massacre, Greysteel, the Shankill Butchers et. al.

Deliberate killing is murder. There are certain circumstances where murder is justified, ie. a reasonable belief that it is done in self defence.

You say murder is "justifiable killing in a “justifiable war”? What’s a justifiable war?

World War I was mass murder. Was World War I justified? Bear in mind, now, there are loads of people who justify World War I.

There are loads of people who attempt to justify any war, there’s still at least one person on this forum who attempts to justify the Iraq War.

One of the key things about war is that it should only ever be a last resort. I think one can make a case that 1969 on was a last resort, especially after nearly 50 years of Catholics being discriminated against in a sectarian statelet.

The War of Independence was no last resort.

I rather think you shouldn’t ever comment on war, given that you seem to have a serious taste for glorifying it.


Fuck me kid we’ve an Enid Blyton Famous Five Mystery to go through here. Talk tomorrow

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Best of luck. I hope you realise that the admonishment applies to everyone, yourself included. Take her handy.