The north/really good looking fellas

You’re still not getting it.

With all due respect, it came from the mouth of Sean O’Callaghan whose fantasies are well and truly established by now. There’s nothing really to suggest that O’Callaghan knew, in fact there is little to suggest that the army council had any real knowledge of the attack. Kingsmill was regrettable but in the context of matters, it did have its desired effect whatever you think of it on a moral level.

Go away you coward

That’s coming scarily close to a justification for sectarian murder.

At Kingsmills the lone Catholic in the minibus was pulled out and spared while the rest were slaughtered.

Even if Twomey was behind or ordered the Kingsmills massacre, there’s no evidence it was due to a desire to “exterminate all Protestants”. It was clearly to bring Protestant paramilitaries to their senses, and show them where this was headed. Savage as it was, it had the desired effect.

For a so called Irish Republican, you seem to have a very blinkered Anglophile view of Irish history. Jeremy Corbynist who I suppose is also an Irish Republican as he met with a few IRA members.

It isn’t, bad things happen in wars. Sometimes the lesser of two evils, etc.

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Yeah, do shag off from the forum, mate.

I’ve tried to put that in as inane and witless a manner as possible so as to engage you on your level.

Kingsmills was a sectarian extermination of Protestants.

There was no justification for it, full stop, or period, as I believe you like to say in the US.

Using the weasel excuse that “it brought Protestant paramilitaries to their senses” is tantamount to justification.

One could come up with any other amount of weasel excuses to justify the sectarian murder of Catholics if one so desired.

You could say: “the Dublin and Monaghan bombIngs were justified in revenge for Bloody Friday” or “Greysteel was perpetrated to bring the IRA to their senses after the Shankill Road bomb”, or “the Ormeau Road bookies massacre was perpetrated to bring the IRA to their senses after Teebane”, or any amount of similar bullshit.

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It had the desired effect however wrong it morally was.

I could leave surely sid. Your behaviour is that of a tramp. My leaving won’t change that.

You really haven’t a clue mate and should steer clear of topics like this where you get demolished.

I hate war, and the history of human warfare, and the history of human cruelty to other humans. Unfortunately it’s part and parcel of what humans are and there’s no point trying to sugarcoat it and claim humans are moral creatures, as they are not. Humans are capable of the most unspeakable cruelty to each other and to other species.

If you go to war, and it is a just war, you have to fight to win. There is no point going to war and letting public opinion or morality or whatever stand in the way, and nobody who has waged war successfully has ever done so. The US lost in Vietnam (arguably not a just war) precisely because of this, generals with their hands tied by public opinion. The Germans were defeated in WWII by massive bombing campaigns by the allies, culminating in Dresden where tens of thousands of civilians were incinerated. The Japanese were defeated by two bombs that incinerated hundreds of thousands. It’s hard to find better examples of war crimes I hope you agree, outside of the holocaust itself. But defeating the Nazis and their counterparts in the East was a justified cause, and millions more would likely have been slaughtered had the war continued.

You can’t say there was no justification for Dresden or Hiroshima, there is justification and it can be morally argued. Ending the war was the greater good.

You started by branding some Irish Republicans, and specifically those you label as nationalists (the thing you are not of course) as desiring to “exterminate all Protestants” and haven’t offered one shred of evidence of this. Darkley was as close as we got to a pure sectarian massacre on the nationalist side of the conflict, and that was done by socialist nutters who killed more of each other during the conflict than they killed crown forces. You have more in common with them than you think.

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Freezin at the minute

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This is starting to resemble brexit threads I’ve seen on other forums - lads talking with authority about wars who never fired a gun in anger and wouldn’t have a fucking clue what do to if faced with such a situation.
An awful lot of rastooling/litte-englandering going on.


@anon7035031 giving it socks in the dock here

some great tussles here over the last 24 hours

cc @mickee321

you are the number one social and political commentator on here

Yet trying to sugarcoat war is exactly what you have been doing. The only reason one would deny what happened at Soloheadbeg was murder is because they are trying to sugarcoat war and murder.

There was no war at the time of Soloheadbeg, by the way. Soloheadbeg was murder with the explicit aim of starting a war and most of the IRA even thought that.

You say populations don’t want wars. Yet here you are justifying the starting of a war, and bizarrely invoking events 70 years previously as a justified reason for such. A while back it was the 1918 election which was your justification, then when you couldn’t point to any mandate for 1916, you invoked the famine as a “justified reason”.

You tried to justify Kingsmills and again in this post you try to justify that sectarian massacre while bizarrely trying to make out “socialism” was responsible for another sectarian massacre. Quelle fucking surprise, in your tiny McCarthyite mind, there has never been anything that socialism hasn’t been to blame for.

Then, later in your post, you try to argue against a straw man you have made up, and again simultaneously try to justify sectarian massacres of civilians.

The rest of your post is noise.

Christ above, what a load of rot.

there is some superb internetting on here of late
meanwhile you have fellas then picking 6 team to win league matches on another thread…


very intense internetting, you can’t beat it when there is a lot at stake

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Couldn’t agree more