The Official All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2013 Thread

Donegal 0-10 Down 2-12
Clare 1-21 Cork 1-18
Kilkenny 4-20 Dublin 1-15
London 0-11 Leitrim 1-16

No club loses so many players that they should prefer wasting the whole squads season for a couple of lads.

I have no doubt certain individuals look at it this way, but this is the exact type of short sightedness that hurts the GAA. It’s simply not respecting the rest of people’s lives. Sport has a very important place in our culture, the more I have travelled and more involved with higher levels of sport I have become the more acutely aware and proud I have become of our very unique sporting world and specifically the GAA. On the other hand it ha also made me realist we can do it even better.

Too many suits have too much of a say in Our Games and are completely disconnected with the players, coaches and supporters.

cracking post

lads that are already being paid by the state for their shitty hobby now want more money. I thought they loved playing gga so why so desperate to get paid for it

[quote=“FingalRaven, post: 790632, member: 80”]cracking post

lads that are already being paid by the state for their shitty hobby now want more money. I thought they loved playing gga so why so desperate to get paid for it[/quote]

Are you suggesting professional sports people do not live their sports?

In fact why stop there. I live both my jobs, should I stop being paid for them? You could look at my S&C gig as Semi-Pro much like the players I coach. Is there something wrong with that? Your beloved Shamrock Rovers are semi-Pro, I’m sure they have a few Bin men paid by the government or in the dole that also pick up a few bob from Rovers and also “Love” their hobby.

You are a semi-professional contradictist yourself? How much do you get for that?

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 790636, member: 273”]In fact why stop there. I live both my jobs, should I stop being paid for them? You could look at my S&C gig as Semi-Pro much like the players I coach. Is there something wrong with that? Your beloved Shamrock Rovers are semi-Pro, I’m sure they have a few Bin men paid by the government or in the dole that also pick up a few bob from Rovers and also “Love” their hobby.

You are a semi-professional contradictist yourself? How much do you get for that?[/quote]

The GAA markets itself highly on its amateur status, the players seems to pride themselves in this as well yet they then go and moan and whine and claim for the need of compensation and remuneration. Nobody is forcing them to do it, they make their own choices, if they feel that the outcome they get out of their hobby is not enough then they should take the simple step to tone down to what they feel is an adequate input for the output they get. For instance, I enjoy posting on this forum, I have never actively gone looking to be compensated on the open forum nor have I approached Rocko with demands either. Instead Rocko has given me some kickbacks for the high quality I bring to the board. I don’t have a problem with gratuities given at the discretion of the governing body, but these GAA players and coaches who moan about not being compensated for their time and efforts are insufferable.

Why don’t they go get a real job?

What’s not real about building houses and coaching?

I realize you probably work in a job you hate but not everyone is like that.

Define a “real” job.

Just to add to that earlier point, there have been plenty of sports people who have abandoned their more favoured sport to go and play others simply because they can make a decent living out of it. Look at the number of GAA players that went off to Australia to make a living at that other abomination of a sport, I’m sure they would have preferred stay in Ireland and play GAA but by going to Australia they had the chance to forge a decent living for themselves.

Christian Vieri has said he would have preferred to have been a cricketer than a footballer. But in the end he chose football as it was what he was better at and what he could earn the most money out of. What it boils down is that these morons have an awful sense of entitlement about themselves and are deluded about their actual level of ability. If they were genuinely talented they would not be stuck playing a parochial sport with amateur status. I wouldn’t really have much gripe with your average club footballer in this regard as they seem to accept that it is a hobby and nothing more.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 790710, member: 273”]What’s not real about building houses and coaching?

I realize you probably work in a job you hate but not everyone is like that.

Define a “real” job.[/quote]

I think you must have completely missed my point. Why are lads looking to be paid for a hobby?

By the way, they are complaining because they have been thrown a complete curve ball. Never at the start of the yet were suggestions made of Friday night games. It’s such an ad-hoc association and an idiot of a President who just thinks up these things over night and then defends it with some of the most bizarre explanations ever.

I know LOI players get compensated in some clubs for missing work. Why would that not happen for Garlic players, especially considering Senior IC is so far Ahead in standard and financial generation of LOI

[quote=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 790706, member: 1052”]The GAA markets itself highly on its amateur status, the players seems to pride themselves in this as well yet they then go and moan and whine and claim for the need of compensation and remuneration. Nobody is forcing them to do it, they make their own choices, if they feel that the outcome they get out of their hobby is not enough then they should take the simple step to tone down to what they feel is an adequate input for the output they get.
Why don’t they go get a real job?[/quote]

thats a very good point about honing it down to the level where input matches output…i´d agree with that for the average club players…but the problem is for inter county players filling croke park and making the gaa millions and not seeing a penny of it…you could argue that the only benefit for the younger intercounty players is getting free education through scholarships…now that has been stopped by this new rule…
kerry1891 you need to look closer to home than DCU when it comes to devaluing the sigerson…IT Tralee have a lot to answer for when it comes to the current attitude…how many sigerson cups did seamus moynihan play in and was it with 3 different colleges?..

It’s not a hobby. A hobby Is self serving, Inter County football gives great entertainment and enjoyment to 1000’s.

It’s a hobby.

Oh ya Kerry 1981 - I forgot about that. Not playing Sigerson cost Walsh a scholarship.

[quote=“scumpot, post: 790716, member: 182”]thats a very good point about honing it down to the level where input matches output…i´d agree with that for the average club players…but the problem is for inter county players filling croke park and making the gaa millions and not seeing a penny of it…you could argue that the only benefit for the younger intercounty players is getting free education through scholarships…now that has been stopped by this new rule…
kerry1891 you need to look closer to home than DCU when it comes to devaluing the sigerson…IT Tralee have a lot to answer for when it comes to the current attitude…how many sigerson cups did seamus moynihan play in and was it with 3 different colleges?..[/quote]

The GAA is no more popular than it was 20/30 years ago, the only thing that has changed is the level of commitment the players now give - which makes them bigger fools.

Well the thick fucker has been in college for how many years now? Would he not fuck off and get a job?

yeah but at least everyone pays in to watch them in croker these days… they are hardly fools …its what they want to do so fair play to them for being so dedicated…its just not for everyone…and its important to acknowledge both sides…this shit of someone is a waster just because they don´t want to train every fooking nite so they can play intercounty is nonsense too…

education will never be a burden pal…never…

They are fools if it doesn’t register with them that irrespective of the effort, commitment and sacrifices they put in that they won’t be rewarded or compensated financially. They all love to tell everyone how they do what they do for the love of the game and what great men they are for it, then they start to get upset when they don’t get paid for it. That makes them fools.

it’s a hobby alright , no need to make up a definition.

Also I think you put in an extra 0 there