The Official All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2013 Thread

Only when on the bog

Warm or scalding? Answer carefully.

Usually cold out of a bottle

Little known fact about the ground set to host the first ever Friday night Championship game.

Dr Cullen Park has no floodlights. No extra time please.

Good man Paul. I am not sure there is much substance to your proposal though. For example when rules didn’t allow your beloved DCU play Aidan Walsh in the Sigerson this year Niall Moyna said he wouldn’t ask his GAA players to promote GAA when they qualified as teachers such was his disgust. To me the rule seemed reasonable - no way should established inter county players be playing Sigerson for 6 or 7 years and maybe for a few colleges in that period. So if you want a break and deal with player burn out Paul start there!

wouldn’t this just sicken your shit completely?

Eh McGeeney the Kildare county board hasn’t two washers to rub together after it pays out the “expenses” it is already paying out to run the team and they have not a county ground to host a half appetising NFL game. The Kildare hurlers nearly ran out of sliotars earlier in the year. So Geezer - where is the money to come from?

and as for people not having a “rashers” about inter county players. Wake up Geezer - club players travel the country midweek to play games without a cent of mileage week in week out. absolute sickening shite.

GAA top brass should cancel the advance in cash they gave Kildare whilst their manager is spouting this shite

Geezer? :rolleyes:

Nothing wrong with what Flynn is saying.

Bizarre to bring up the Audan Walsh issue. I agree with the decision on Walsh, but it’s a seperate issue.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 790230, member: 273”]Nothing wrong with what Flynn is saying.

Bizarre to bring up the Aidan Walsh issue. I agree with the decision on Walsh, but it’s a seperate issue.[/quote]

Its not really a separate issue kev. You cant have an inter county player bang on about player burn out which is what Flynn is talking about ( no break etc) when he is part of a DCU set up that made a right hulabuloo over the Walsh DCU Sigerson decision. The rule that prevented Walsh playing 3rd level competition yet again protects players from burn out gives them a break and if you are not allowed play Sigerson yet again I am sure an inter county player would be welcome in his club on a Sigerson day.

Flynn actually made no reference to 3rd level competition in his interview which is surprising given how involved he is in DCU

[quote=“kerry1891, post: 790239, member: 1379”]Its not really a separate issue kev. You cant have an inter county player bang on about player burn out which is what Flynn is talking about ( no break etc) when he is part of a DCU set up that made a right hulabuloo over the Walsh DCU Sigerson decision. The rule that prevented Walsh playing 3rd level competition yet again protects players from burn out gives them a break and if you are not allowed play Sigerson yet again I am sure an inter county player would be welcome in his club on a Sigerson day.

Flynn actually made no reference to 3rd level competition in his interview which is surprising given how involved he is in DCU[/quote]

The rule is Sigerson has absolutely nothing to do with burn out, absolutely nothing. Keith Ricken got the rule implemented a couple of years back because of DCU and Jordanstown and the likes.

The Universities are probably the best organisations there is in GAA for looking after the players along with GPA. The GAA season run by the GAA is an absolute farce and has nothing to do with players playing third level.

Are you saying there should be no 3rd level? Because that’s the only thing I can take from what you are saying? Or you don’t like Walsh and /or Flynn or Moyna.

For what it is worth I think the Ryan Cup should be scraped and Sigerson played in a CL type way. Having a 3rd level league is too much. I would also look at having it all done by X-mass, although there is no guarantee that will do anything either.

The problem is with the Senior Championship and National league and more specifically the Provincial championships which have little value now.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 790253, member: 273”]The rule is Sigerson has absolutely nothing to do with burn out, absolutely nothing. Keith Ricken got the rule implemented a couple of years back because of DCU and Jordanstown and the likes.

The Universities are probably the best organisations there is in GAA for looking after the players along with GPA. The GAA season run by the GAA is an absolute farce and has nothing to do with players playing third level.

Are you saying there should be no 3rd level? Because that’s the only thing I can take from what you are saying? Or you don’t like Walsh and /or Flynn or Moyna.

For what it is worth I think the Ryan Cup should be scraped and Sigerson played in a CL type way. Having a 3rd level league is too much. I would also look at having it all done by X-mass, although there is no guarantee that will do anything either.

The problem is with the Senior Championship and National league and more specifically the Provincial championships which have little value now.[/quote]

I wouldnt know the background to the introduction of the rule but it is a rule that restricts involvement in 3rd level
competiton so it does effect player burn out.

ah now Kev - the best organisation for looking after players is the GPA? They are only concerned about a small and elite bunch of players. If they do good work there fair play to them but lets not forget Many clubs and county boards look after their players very well. The GPA do not have a monopoly in looking after players.

I have absolutely no axe to grind with Aidan Walsh - fantastic player
But come on lad - how can you say the universities do not have a part to play in player burn out and know best for the GAA after what Niall Moyna came out with after the Walsh ruling. Walsh has played for some amount of teams in hurling and football, club, colleges, divisions, county and Ireland yet Moyna branded the decision a disgrace. I cant see how he playing more 3rd level competition would have been good for him
or Cork. It was surely time to let some other up and coming player a shot at Sigerson rather than Walsh??
He also said that he wouldnt encourage his students including top class GAA players to promote GAA and would no longer promote GAA himself in his classes[/quote]


hard to warm to Moyna after reading this Kev

It’s completely down to the player himself Kerry. Walsh has played virtually nothing this year and it wouldn’t have affected him at all.

Not everyone plays Uni football. The clubs are also part of the problem as well as the county.

The GPA is looking after the players that most need it, the players expected to do extrodinary things. Club players can and should have a say, but they don’t have to make the same commitment. It was set up by County players, it’s natural that’s what their aims would be.

No doubt playing Uni takes it out of you, but it is my opinion if people sat down and thought about it then all 3 calendars can be accommodated (Club, IC & Uni). The structure of our competitions are the issue. We are obsessed with tradition and knock out. We need to adjust our thinking slightly.

I like the NZ Rugby system.

There should be no overlap. Uni is played independently, club championship is run off over 2 months and finished before Christmas, IC is run off on its own. When the IC is on the club plays secondary comp only. None of this start with the first round, then 2-3 months off.

Competitions need to be competitions. Not wait arounds to see how our county lads go.

It’s actually very fucking simple when you think about it.

[quote=“kerry1891, post: 790286, member: 1379”]

hard to warm to Moyna after reading this Kev[/quote]

I have no time for him, he is a egomaniac.

Still, not the issue here.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 790289, member: 273”]It’s completely down to the player himself Kerry. Walsh has played virtually nothing this year and it wouldn’t have affected him at all.

Not everyone plays Uni football. The clubs are also part of the problem as well as the county.

The GPA is looking after the players that most need it, the players expected to do extrodinary things. Club players can and should have a say, but they don’t have to make the same commitment. It was set up by County players, it’s natural that’s what their aims would be.

No doubt playing Uni takes it out of you, but it is my opinion if people sat down and thought about it then all 3 calendars can be accommodated (Club, IC & Uni). The structure of our competitions are the issue. We are obsessed with tradition and knock out. We need to adjust our thinking slightly.

I like the NZ Rugby system.

There should be no overlap. Uni is played independently, club championship is run off over 2 months and finished before Christmas, IC is run off on its own. When the IC is on the club plays secondary comp only. None of this start with the first round, then 2-3 months off.

Competitions need to be competitions. Not wait arounds to see how our county lads go.

It’s actually very fucking simple when you think about it.[/quote]

ah now Kev - you know well that sometimes the player himself is the worst person in the world to call whats good for himself or the teams he serves. In this case there were also rules re elegibility which the player also cannot decide for himself.

Its never as simple in practice as you make it out to be to run off the competitions. However - I don’t buy all this moaning from clubs about club championship games not being played in the summer. Fact is many clubs and players are secretly happy about it as it means 3rd level students are back from their travels in time for the big club games in the autumn.

You made q sweeping statement about the GPA and the universities being best at looking after players. Well DCU and Moyna’s utterings didn’t reflect well on the universities last year. And plenty of the elite players are well looked after with no GPA input. I don’t always feel too sorry for the inter county player either. If he is that out of pocket which I doubt he is - don’t play. Generally they are far better looked after in terms of gear, mileage, expenses, jobs, medical, injuries etc than club players are. Good luck to them but lets not be so dismissive of the time sacrifice made by club players, volunteers who don’t get same rewards and helped put the elite GPA men where they are

It’s a pastime, it’s an amateur sport. Why are they whining about expenses and burnout? Nobody forces them to play, they it of their own free will and knowing full well the game is not professional. Why can’t they just shut up or fuck off?

Case closed. :clap:

You are making no sense whatsoever kerry1981.

I think it’s very simple, and I have no idea what you point is about students coming back. The club scene should be directed to the benefit of the majority, not the few.

You seem to have. Very narrow barstool type view on it all to be honest. You accuse me of making sweeping statements yet you continually generalize and judge someone’s opinion on poor fixture making with his involvement in DCU. It’s strange to say the least.

The system in GAA doesn’t work, in fact it’s one of the worst organized sports in the world. Which is disappointing as the games themselves are wonderfully unique and skillful.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 790360, member: 273”]You are making no sense whatsoever kerry1981.

I think it’s very simple, and I have no idea what you point is about students coming back. The club scene should be directed to the benefit of the majority, not the few.

You seem to have. Very narrow barstool type view on it all to be honest. You accuse me of making sweeping statements yet you continually generalize and judge someone’s opinion on poor fixture making with his involvement in DCU. It’s strange to say the least.

The system in GAA doesn’t work, in fact it’s one of the worst organized sports in the world. Which is disappointing as the games themselves are wonderfully unique and skillful.[/quote]

my point re the students is simple kev. some clubs and club players make a lot of noise about not having enough club championship games during the summer months. However I suspect that they are being a little hypocritical as some really prefer having these games in the autumn as they have a stronger team as a result of J1 students being back from their travels. This is not confined to students as non students often head away for the summer too to get a few bob playing in America. It is sometimes presented that young GAA players head abroad for the summer because of the lack of summer games in the club fixture schedule. This is not always the case. Most of them had it in their heads to go irrespective of the fixture schedule

I am a bit Anti DCU to be honest - Don’t like people associated with them telling us how to run the association as a result.