The Official Shane Ross is a horrible cunt Thread

this cunt was elected on the back that he stood up for shareholders that lost money

not that he stood up for the little man on the street- he stood up for fuckin shareholders that took a risk and lost

says a lot about the wankers in his constituency that voted for him

That pretty much sums the fucker up.

very true, but the very first man he ever stood up for as far as i can make out were the ordinary man he cajoled into buying up Eircom. these were very much small men who jumped into shares for the first time with their cash.

he is the ultimate spilt milk merchant.
he has made a very serious living from crying over spilt milk. the cunt.
fair play to him for getting away with it i suppose but there will always be people who will vote for those who shout the loudest or those who they think would make for a great dinner party guest.

I’d imagine he’d be a cunt at a dinner party.

he make for good conversation, apparently.

I think things might begin to fizzle after my conversation opener " just what was going through your mind when you encouraged the people of Ireland to fill their boots with eircom shares"

no you couldnt go there you’d have to open yourself up at the beginning and let him find the common ground.

maybe mention that you are a phd student and off you go he’d be great conversation then. you’d need to be a phd student though.

He’s a dead duck at the next GE.

Yes because the discerning Irish voter would never vote for a bollix.

There is some talk on the interweb that his sidekick for these endless supply of books on who destroyed the country, Nick Webb, is his son in law.

Can anyone confirm this.

Nick is now business editor of the sindo. He was previously deputy bus. editor while Ross was editor and got the top job when Ross went to the Dail.

Anyway they were both on tv3 there flogging their book and detailing examples of jobs for the boys within the Dept of finance among other horrid acts.

I can confirm that. Well at least I can confirm I read something before complaining about the nepotism involved.

Yes, a Protestant like myself.

Thanks mate, but I am a graduate of the university, not a member. I really feel for UL graduates who have no vote in these elections at all while I have two.

€25 will get you in the door to see this member of Irish Parliaments new commercial gig in the grand canal theatre.
I believe the show will consist of him, his son in law, mcwilliams and fintan o’toole telling yearns to a bunch of fucking idiots who have forked out 25e about how the country is being ridden raw by bankers/politicians etc etc etc etc etc

Id imagine each of these 4 pricks will provide you with an opportunity for you to buy their many books that consist of tales of how the country is being ridden raw by bankers/politicians etc etc etc.

I also heard the cunt was in Patrick Guilbauds last night.

How much is a plate of fish and veg in that place and how does the man find the time to eat a bit of dinner at all?

Were these ever sent to Cooper HBV? This could be like the time Bandage took down Vincent Hogan. Ross needs to be shown up for the hypocrite that he is. Disappointed to see Fintan O’Toole engaging with him.

there is nothing here that is not common knowledge,

i heard someone half-hearted having a go at him on the radio last week while he was doing the rounds flogging his latest book. it may have been someone who was standing in for george hook.
the angle taken was … its all well and good pointing out what went wrong but how about coming up with some fucking solutions.
Ross seemed a bit put out that someone dared ask that of him but eventually reverted to the default of cutting bankers pay and kicking richie boucher up the hole etc etc etc

iv no idea why he gets a free ride in the media, is it because he has been a INM staffer for years?
why does he get such a platform to flog his wares? are there any other politicians in history who have double and treble jobbed so blatantly without having a single thing of note expected of them in the Dail.
We get outraged at Michael healy Rae cutting the grass on the dual carriageway in kerry but shane ross is a fucking hero for writing books for self profit about spilt milk on the taxpayers time.

[quote=“HBV*, post: 717138”]

iv no idea why he gets a free ride in the media, is it because he has been a INM staffer for years?

[/quote]No it’s because he is one of the counter revolutionary elite who have run the country quietly for their own benefit for 90 years now.

You’ll have to expand on this? Who else would be in this elite group?

Nice set a chompers there shane,ever heard of a dentist

thats what supper in Patrick Guuilbauds 3 nights a week will do to you.