The Official TFK Dax Thread

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That place went way up in my estimations after they mugged Gerald Keane right off.

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That stuff makes my scalp itchy just looking at it

The blue one used to melt and drop down your face of a hot day.

You couldn’t touch your hair when you had it on or you’d be covered in wax

Or when playing a match - a pure cunt — The red one is like cement

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Ah here? Townies and their hair :rollseyes:

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You’ve never played sport in the evening after a day at work? Give over - You’ve also never played a game on Sunday morning after being out the night before and the drink and dax from the night before combine on your forehead and run into your eyes and you’re running around like a cyclops…

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Desperate shit, it dried like concrete that stuff. I used to use the blue one occasionly when I was a young fella.

I would never have so much goo in my hair that after a full day of work it’s cascading down my face during a match/training. Playing with drink pissing out of you on a Sunday morning is how it’s supposed to be done.

Boggers :rollseyes:


That was you big thick roaster complexion


Fire it on of a Monday morning and you’d still be looking cool as fuck come Friday.

Jesus, that’s @Il_Bomber_Destro level shower evasion.