The Official TFK Farming Thread

genuinely one of the stupidest things I have ever seen anyone do. I’d say it would have cost maybe €200 to cut that hedge. So out of pure spite that he thought the council should cut it, he lost €110,000 of milk income. A thick stubborn cunt.

Sign him up here quick.

RTÉ News on Twitter: “New Zealand has unveiled plans to tax the greenhouse gas emissions from farm animals, in a controversial proposal designed to tackle climate change” / Twitter

Let the cows pay the cow tax

Was it not a case that he was NOT allowed cut the hedges? Hedgerows are only allowed to be cut certain times of the year and the CoOp refused to collect the milk because it was damaging truck mirrors?

No, thats not the case

Think he expected the Council to cut the hedge no?

So the short version of the story is;

He put up a 10 ft gate on his boreen in 2018;
The council told him to take it down, he says it was because they told him the road was public and he couldn’t do anything with it or something like that.
Fast forward to 2021, he is refusing to cut his hedges saying it is the council who need to cut them as they have said it is their property
The creamery stop collecting the milk as the road is too overgrown.
He starts pouring the milk away, and eventually lets the cows go dry out of spite costing himself thousands of euros.
He seems to think this is some form of protest against the council, when really it’s affecting absolutely no one bar himself.

I’d say some neighbour of his cut it to save him from himself. The road was no length, he could have cut it a strimmers in a day. You’d cut it with a machine in half an hour I’d say, €50 would have got it done.

The man was just a stubborn cunt. A TFK icon


Thanks I knew that was the gist of it. Re gate/boreen and council - A ‘my way or no way’ header

My neighbours are at law over a lane since the mad cow faffle in the 90s. For a while there stanley had to knock on Albert’s door to get a key so he could gain access to his own property. Stanley is in his 80s and neville has terminal cancer. Neville recently told stanley that he’d be ating breakfast at his kitchen table.
I’m on good terms with both of them, that’s the sort of me i suppose



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Useless government blames the weather shocker

Cappagh out on top again :wave:

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Heifers in the aftergrass under an autumn sky.


Smashing levels of aggression and downright bull-headedness on show here.
There’s some fairly disturbing farming folk down that way….

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I’ve had dealings with both of them. Neither of them are angels but there’s a loveable rogue/tragic side to Pat. As for Harry….

Few bales a making in that meadow

Three cuts already taken

Good belt of growth last fortnight again.

A lot of Fodder was fed through July

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thanks guys

Sinéad O’Brien on Twitter: “Escalating water pollution hasn’t happened by accident: Rapid, ill-considered, state-led intensification of the dairy sector, despite MANY warnings, is the main cause. First step to stop things getting even worse…” / Twitter