The Official TFK Farming Thread

That is where the easy money is nowadays in veterinary.

Not easy money, the pay wouldn’t be great but the hours are generally shorter and there is very little out of hours or weekend work

A regular rural vet seems an awfully difficult way of making a living for people who are inevitably some of the most academic in the country. Going out to a pig-ignorant farmer in the middle of a winters night to perform a cesarean on a cow with the calf long dead, I know they charge well for it but tis a miserable existence.

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They can charge what they want.
Getting paid what they want is another matter.

I’d gladly hop out of the bed for a few hours and drive out to “pig ignorant” farmer for the pleasure of putting 350 euro (in cash) into my pocket.


It’s bizzare alright. The practice I (used to) deal with got landed with a big fat ignorant Tipp cunt who only communicates through a series of grunts and whistles. He’s clueless when it comes to treating a sick animal and invariably injects them with a broad cocktail of drugs in an attempt to find the cure, also hopeful that the cure doesn’t kill them either.

This lad somehow got 600 points in his leaving cert. He should have been an accountant.


:laughing::laughing::laughing: Hes just misunderstood.

Maybe you should offer him a biscuit or your sister?


Works in Tipp

Thought it was self explanatory :man_shrugging:

The days of the ‘Pig ignorant’ Farmer are thankfully in the rear view mirror, you still meet the odd one but they are a rarity . Most I encounter know their field, they have to, they are professionals (who expect a professional service).The fellas who aren’t have been slowly weeded out due to non-profitability.
There will always be difficult people in life and those that are generally don’t pick on just the vet, they are disagreeable with everyone.
As for the €350 in the back pocket, I can only speak from experience, the Revenue commissioners takes VAT and income Tax and the materials for the C/S from memory usually totted up to about €55, so in reality it was closer to €150 take home. Yes, good money I hear you say, but when was the last time you got a plumber out at 2am, I doubt you’d have much change out of €350?.. I for one would prefer my nights sleep.


That’s too many points for accountancy.


There’ll no accountants in 15 years. Vets might at least last a bit longer

In reality, the obsession with points has lead to a situation where school leavers will forsake all else in order to ‘get the points’. Vets/Doctors/Accountants/Solicitors etc all deal with people and as a result, need significant people skills if they are to succeed after graduation.
The points system removes the human element, whilst this is a good thing as it removes favouritism/nepotism but it also removes personality of the potential graduate from the equation.

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Accountants are required to be devoid of personality.

It has meant the wrong sort getting into the professions.

The cohort on here adhere to that maxim

Not entirely but it hasn’t helped. The old system involved politics/pull/nepotism etc which merely produced dynasties in some professions also lead to a situation where people in some positions were completely unsuitable

getting the points doesn’t automatically entitle you to a position in a profession.

You need to go onto 3rd level education, then afterwards apply for jobs, do interviews and probationary periods, do your apprenticeship in whatever profession it is. Plenty of time in between to decide if you or the profession aren’t compatible.

You don’t wake up the morning after the leaving and say, that’s it, I’m a vet, I got 600 points.